Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Not agreed: Ukraine proceeds from gas to wood – BBC News

Russia cut off gas supplies to Ukraine. Negotiations on the price of fuel on the eve ended inconclusively. Kiev, in fact, issued an ultimatum: he intends to buy gas only on the cheap. Moscow does not agree. Now, all is not pre-paid, there will be supply. Now the fuel on the territory of Ukraine is only a transit to Europe. But in order to strengthen their arguments, Kiev threatens to cut off the electricity to the Crimea.

The news that on July 1, Kiev no longer buy the Russian fuel for Ukrainian channel serves as a victory. Ukraine repeats the firewood. One by one – a string of reports on the truck with logs on the streets of Kiev. Driven tons, right out of the woods in carts, horse-drawn sleds.

Gas Kiev does not receive from 10 am on July 1. “Termination of supply due to the fact that Ukraine has not made an advance payment for gas supplies in July – says the chairman of the Board of” Gazprom “Alexey Miller. – Stopping the gas supply is made in strict accordance with the contract.” Gazprom “under no circumstances will not be to supply gas to Ukraine without payment “.

An additional agreement under which Ukraine received Russian gas in recent months, expired the day before, on 30 June. To further discuss the terms of supply, at a tripartite meeting in Vienna brought together representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission. Discussed 6:00. Kiev offered a discount of $ 40 – 15%.

“Unfortunately, the Ukrainian side has said that the level of discount that is provided by the Government of the Russian Federation, its by far not enough, – said Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak. – It is absolutely Competitive market price of $ 247 dollars. So we, of course, very surprised that the Ukrainian side wanted a much lower price, which does not correspond to market conditions “.

Kiev demarche responsible. In an attempt to explain the head of the Energy Ministry of Ukraine Volodymyr Demchishin switches to Russian. “We believe that the price will be molded in accordance with the winter package, – he said. – If the line price of $ 287 minus 30 percent consider it a 200-something dollars”.

The price of 247 dollars, which offer Ukraine, and so is minimal. For comparison – countries such as Poland and Slovakia, receive Russian gas at 250-280 dollars per thousand cubic meters. Exact figures – a trade secret. If Russia did not give discount, Ukraine and all would have to pay almost $ 290 per 1,000 cubic meters.

“Lack of money makes you think of lower prices and lower volumes, but it creates, in our opinion, big risks, because in case of low temperatures in the winter of underground gas storage facilities will not be able to raise the volume of gas that will allow normal passage of the autumn-winter period “, – says Alexander Novak.

” In Ukraine, in fact, no money – Adds a member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Energy Yuriy Korolchuk strategies. – There are no funds to buy more natural gas and inject it into underground storage. Trades that suits Ukraine, very surprised. Surprise and statements of “Naftogaz Ukrainy” when prompted some way to negotiate on the issue of what should be a discount on gas for “Naftogaz Ukraine”, although it is the goodwill of the Russian government “.

alternative sources in Ukraine is almost gone. Reversible gas from Hungary, Kiev no longer receives. From Slovakia shipments decreased by a third. Now in underground gas storages of Ukraine – 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas. To warm all winter, 4 months still have to download 7.5. In Ukraine, it will need half a billion dollars.

“Kiev alluding to the fact that he is not going to the gas pump – the general director of the National Energy Security Fund Konstantin Simonov. – Technology of gas transit to Europe via Ukraine requires a certain level of gas in underground storage facilities. In fact, Ukraine is appealing directly to Brussels, referring to it on what is now Russia cut off supplies, but Kiev will begin this winter gas transit volumes to steal from. No other way will not. Well, or freeze “.

And, judging by last year, Kiev does not care. To atone for children displaced in the Kharkiv region for hours heated water near the heaters. When coal stocks at thermal power plants are over, the country began rolling blackouts. Light was not even in the hospital.

“In the operating room directly without warning light is turned off – says the head of the oncological clinic of Chernihiv regional hospital, Valery tooth. – We had to illuminate lamps with rechargeable batteries to complete the operation”.

“The economic situation in Ukraine is very sad, – says Director General of National Energy Security Fund Konstantin Simonov. – If we take the first 5 months, industrial production in Ukraine fell by 21%. Ukraine, of course, he threatened to turn off the power of the Crimea, This, of course, blackmail Moscow. I personally strongly doubt that Ukraine is going, because in fact, everyone understands that this will be the announcement of economic war on Russia “.

In an attempt to appease the people Yatsenyuk encouraged citizens saying that in the next 10 years, Ukraine will learn to provide itself with natural gas, and stressed – this is a common problem which should be dealt with together. No more concrete action plan in Kiev and was not offered.


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