Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Moody’s lowers rating of Greece does not believe in reform – BBC News

Europe and the whole world froze in anticipation of how the events will unfold around Greece, left-radical government which refuses to pay its debts to international lenders and requires mitigation onerous, in his opinion, the conditions of lending. Rating agencies of the dispute had promised to stay away, because in this case it is not a debt owed to private creditors.

However, as it became known on Thursday, July 2, the sovereign rating of Greece lowered Moody’s: with Caa2 to Caa3, outlook negative, transfers TASS. The agency noted that the downgrade is due, in particular, that reduce the likelihood that Athens in the medium term will continue to receive support from the creditors. Without this support, according to analysts Agency, Greece will default on government bonds who are from private holders.

The Moody’s does not believe that Greece’s powers to carry out economic and fiscal reforms so as to meet the requirements of creditors, extended by as a condition for new portions of aid.

The planned referendum on Sunday, an additional, more onerous risks to private creditors, according to the Moody’s. July 5, the recall of the Greek population is invited to speak “for” or “against” the proposal of international creditors (EU, ECB and IMF) to resolve the Greek debt problems and austerity measures, which they preach.


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