Friday, July 3, 2015

EFSF: Greek technical default – a REGNUM


Athens, July 3, 2015, 18:46 – REGNUM The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF, EFSF) stated technical default Greece. On Friday, July 3, reported the press service of the EFSF.

The fund loans to Greece in 2012 on behalf of the European Union. During this time the EFSF Greece granted € 130,9 billion is now the fund the right to demand early repayment of Greece this astronomical debt.

His statement on the technical default of Greece EFSF made after Athens did not make a regular payment of the IMF amounting to € 1,54 Bln. It is noteworthy that most EFSF Greece paid € 50 thousand. June 30, as it was written on the payment schedule. However, this did not prevent EFSF Greece to default, as default The IMF also considered a violation of obligations to the EFSF.

Now the EFSF intends to closely coordinate their further actions with the European Commission, the IMF and the Eurogroup (Council of finance ministers of the euro area) . The EFSF noted that the failure of the Greek debt will not affect the Fund’s ability to repay its bonds.

As previously reported IA REGNUM , the negotiations on the solution of the Greek debt crisis have stalled. Greece did not you pay creditors, and those offered to provide new loans to pay off old ones. The condition of a tightening austerity. From the Greeks call once again to cut pensions, to increase VAT to cancel tax benefits. The government, led by Alexis Tsipras rejected the proposal and issued the question of acceptance or rejection of the ultimatum creditors for a national referendum to be held on July 5.

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