Friday, July 3, 2015

Greek resort complaining about the loss of tourists –

Greece every day lost about 50 thousand tourists, who gathered this summer came to rest in the country, writes the British newspaper The Times with reference to the Hellenic Association of Tourist Business. Usually book trips to the Greek islands grow by 10% at the height of the holiday season, but last week they have fallen by 60%.

 The level of cancellation of flights to Greece increased from the usual 1% to 7.2% for the period from June 27 until July 1. But on Monday it reached a peak – 22%.

The Chairman of the Association requests the Government to mitigate the capital controls that resorts can conduct purchases abroad, as much of the required products will end next week. In addition, you also get paid for the tickets sold.

 Domestic tourism in Greece is almost completely stopped, according to the newspaper. Citizens of the country refused to summer travel and prefer to spend their holidays at home with relatives.

The famous Greek chef told reporters that “the tourists have to starve” unless the government cancels the capital controls. “If hotels and resorts will not be able to replenish their stocks next week, thousands of tourists who have bought a ticket all inclusive, will be very angry and disappointed. Then do not expect that they will soon come back or advise friends vacation in Greece,” – he said it.

The newspaper recalled that tourism brings in Greece around 20% of revenues and 25% of citizens working in the tourism sector.

Meanwhile, as reported by Tass on Thursday evening, First Deputy Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism Elena Kundera said that reliable official data on the losses of the tourism industry in Greece due to the political developments in the country do not.

 So the official has commented on the publication in the local press that after the announcement of a referendum on the agreement with international lenders on July 5 closing of banks and restrictions on cash withdrawals from ATMs were numerous reports of mass rejection of the reservation – to a lesser extent from abroad and more – in Greece itself.

The largest Russian tour operators between seeing an increase in the number of bookings of tours to Greece. “Bulletin of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia” argues, referring to the results of a survey of tour operators, that developments in Greece will not affect the interests of Russian tourists to the destination – the number of bookings increased.

According to tour operators, tourists do not give up already bought tours, they were not deterred the unstable financial situation in Greece. Leaders of sales are four-five-star hotels with a developed infrastructure, working on the system all inclusive and involving minimal expenses on the spot.

In the Russian office of the Greek National Tourism Organization also noted the increasing number of appeals from both the Russian tour operators, as well as on the part of tourists. This assumes that the shift to this area can now and those Russians who were going on holiday in Tunisia.

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Information Internet Resources

Economy // Europe // Greece


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