Friday, July 3, 2015

To lock online stores “plus”, and who “minus”: expert – a REGNUM


Moscow, July 3, 2015, 15:23 – REGNUM Amendments to the law “On Protection of Consumers’ Rights and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO) of the temporary blocking of online stores if they are taken in the wording of Rospotrebnadzor, can affect market participants in different ways. This was stated by Director of Marketing and Logistics “Malcom” P Olin Vinokourov and commenting on July 3 correspondent IA REGNUM offer Rospotrebnadzor block delinquent online retailers.

“Buyers, on the one hand, can benefit from improving the quality of services provided by all market participants, as well as by limiting the work of unscrupulous online retailers. On the other hand, blocking aggregators can narrow down the possibilities to find the best offer, “- said the expert.

« For retailers the potential consequences can also be with the “plus” and with a “minus”. “Pros”: players with a good reputation, operating in accordance with the letter of the law, will be beneficial closing questionable sites of competitors. “Cons”: high risk for known sites fall into the “black list” due to the nature of interpretation of the law “, – explained Vinokourov.

«Warning inspectors are likely to be focused on the leaders of the market, at least as long as there is no established mechanism to regularly and promptly checked several tens of thousands of existing online stores,” – said the expert .

As reported IA REGNUM , Federal Service proposes to temporarily block online stores and brands aggregators that do not provide information to customers about the product and the seller. Thus, the competence of the Rospotrebnadzor has the power to suspend the activities of ordinary stores at 30, 60 and 90 days if they violate the law.

Meanwhile, in 2014 the Russian market of online trading has increased by 25.9% to 597 billion rubles., shopping via the internet made 40 million of the 73 million people Ros

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