Friday, June 5, 2015

Turkey expects the coordinates of land plot “of the Turkish stream” – BBC News

Turkey asked the Russian onshore section of the coordinate “Turkish stream” and after receiving the response will begin construction of this part of the pipeline. This, according to RIA Novosti, said Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz said in an exclusive interview with Sputnik Turkiye.

1 December 2014 “Gazprom” and the Turkish company Botas signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of the gas pipeline capacity of 63 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Russia to Turkey via the Black Sea. The pipeline length of 1,100 kilometers will bring on the Turkish-Greek border to 47 billion cubic meters of gas. The intergovernmental agreement on a new gas pipeline is planned to be signed during the second quarter of 2015 and the first gas is supplied in December 2016.

“After the abolition of the” South Stream “pipeline section length of 190 kilometers, which was to pass through the territory of Bulgaria , will run through Turkey. We needed to get the coordinates of the passage of this plot. Turkey asked Russia to provide the necessary information. The response from the Russian side has been received, but it was incomplete on a number of points, so it was decided to send a request again to a more detailed study his Russian side, “- said Yildiz.

According to the Turkish Minister, to date it is the only issue that does not proceed to construction. “However, as soon as this issue will be resolved, the project implementation process significantly faster,” – said Yildiz.

“Gazprom” and BOTAS has determined the route of the new pipeline sea – it will be 660 km route on which it is planned to lay the pipeline “South Stream”, and 250 kilometers in a new corridor in the direction of the European part of Turkey. In February 2015 it was defined overland route of the pipeline. Point its landfall – Kyyykey district of the village, the point of delivery of gas to Turkish consumers – Lüleburgaz and exit area at the Turkish-Greek border will be in the area İpsala. The length of the land area, according to the “Gazprom”, will be 180 km.


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