Friday, June 5, 2015

Standard & Poor’s defaulted regions of the Russian Federation – a REGNUM


Moscow, June 5, 2015, 11:05 – REGNUM The international rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s reports about the increased risk of default regions of Russia.

According to the report the organization, despite the low aggregate amount of debt the regions a relatively short period of its maturity exposes regions permanent refinancing risk.

«On available data, in I quarter of 2015 at least one subject of the Russian Federation made a late payment on a bank loan as a result of limited access to refinancing, – the report says S & amp; P. – In addition, we know of cases where the creditor bank was forced to roll over the region previously issued loan at a rate below the current market – due to the fact that the region has been unable to repay or refinance the loan ».

According to the report, weak economic growth, slowing earnings growth in the corporate segment and the nominal income of the population limit the receipt of a major regional taxes: income tax and personal income tax. This increased inflexible sotsraskhody leave almost no region choice but to increase the deficit and debt, writes “Kommersant».

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