Friday, June 5, 2015

The festival “The Imperial Gardens of Russia” of colors create a magic carpet – Rosbalt.RU

 & # x420; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x431; & # x430; & # x43B; & # x442; June 5, 2015 -> As the central bank dealt with the ruble The Russian national currency on This week sharply passed the position. However, it is not in the fall in oil prices, and the authorities’ attempts to plug holes in the budget and to fulfill the promises generously distributed in the era of high oil prices. (& # x415; & # x441; & # x442; & # x44C; & # x444; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E;)  & # x41A; & # x430; & # x440; & # x438; & # x43A; & # x430; & # x442; & # x443; & # x440; & # x430; & # x410; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x43A; & # x441; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x434; & # x440; & # x430; & # x421; & # x435; & # x440; & # x433; & # x435; & # x435; & # x432; & # x430 ;, & # x438; & # x437; & # x430; & # x440; & # x445; & # x438; & # x432; & # x430; & # x433; & # x430; & # x437; & # x435; & # x442; & # x44B; & quot; & # x427; & # x430; & # x441; & # x43F; & # x438; & # x43A; & quot ; June 3, 2015 -> Propaganda is not omnipotent Those who believe that civilian minority in Russia that does not support the current government and its policies, completely defeated and is not capable of self-organization, exaggerate successes system designed to ensure unanimity in the country.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x410; & # x43B; & # x435 ; & # x43A; & # x441; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x434; & # x440; & # x430; & # x428; & # x430; & # x445; & # x43D; & # x430; & # x437; & # x430; & # x440; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430; June 3, 2015 -> The country bans Delivered to the conveyor countless taboos and restrictions are the main products of the Russian authorities in domestic policy. For three years in this area unsettled techniques took shape and formed the circle of beneficiaries of public demand. & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41D; & # x430; & # x434; & # x435; & # x436; & # x434; & # x44B; & # x41A; & # x440; & # x430; & # x441; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x43E; & # x439; June 2, 2015 -> When Russia make peace with the West Whoever comes to power after Putin, he certainly play a card reboot in international relations, since by the time everyone finally tired of the tension.  June 2, 2015 -> About “citizen journalism” in the service of In the age of Internet security services easily able to influence the mass consciousness. An obvious example – “authoritative British life”, published a report on bogus from the Russian Defense Ministry. & # x421; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; - & # x43A; & # x430; & # x434; & # x440; & # x432; & # x438; & # x434 ; & # x435; & # x43E ;, YouTube June 1, 2015 -> Slap Rahmon Go OMON commander of the Tajik side on the “Islamic state” became a sensation and spawned debate: whether to continue to the authorities in the region to pursue orthodox Muslims or better to establish a dialogue with them, allowing beards and veil?  June 1, 2015 -> MPs like dive bombers Every day over the country spreads the good news about the new ban, invented for the average Russian. The reasons are many, but one of the first – the poor quality of Russian elites. & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41F; & # x435; & # x442; & # x440; & # x430; & # x422; & # x440; & # x443; & # x43D; & # x43A; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430; May 29, 2015 -> Five will spring isolationism The sharp decline in trade with the outside the world has brought Russia a package of issues, including some completely provided for the heads. No spring awakening economic power is not there.

 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41C; & # x41E; & quot; & # x417; & # x435; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x439; & # x444; & # x440; & # x43E; & # x43D; & # x442; & quot; June 5, 2015 Field of bad luck Russia’s Leningrad region turns into a backwater. But not so much afraid of smooth economic stagnation, real poverty and dirt villages and capitation outcome of sober people from the area, as the rigidity of unanimity.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; & # x440; & # x435; & # x441; & # x441; - & # x441; & # x43B; & # x443; & # x436; & # x431; & # x44B; музея-заповедника & Quot; & # x421; & # x442; & # x430; & # x440; & # x430; & # x44F; & # x41B; & # x430; & # x434; & # x43E; & # x433; & # x430; & quot; June 4, 2015 Capital historians and Viking From 12 to 14 June in the Leningrad region will host a festival “Staraya Ladoga – the first capital of Russia. ” Experts point out that such activities abroad bring a lot of money, we have the same event tourism is not developed.  June 4, 2015 How much is the friendship with foreign countries In a crisis, the authorities are trying to save budget money. But why in the city government to preserve the whole structural unit whose functions A perfect little, and spending on its contents 98 million rubles? - June 3, 2015 “Someone wants to submit a high school tragedy as a sensation” Former Rector Tehnolozhki Nikolai Lisitsyn explained how to spend millions allocated to repair the burned main building of the university, and told how lost the elections of the head of the institute.  & # x421; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; - & # x43A; & # x430; & # x434; & # x440; & # x432; & # x438; & # x434; & # x435; & # x43E; June 2, 2015 The fate of hundreds of millions of Kerzhakov examine the court accused of the theft of a footballer, “Zenith” 329 million rubles is Voronezh businessman Mikhail Surin other helpers are witnesses. & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; & # x440; & # x435; & # x434; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x442; & # x430; & # x432; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x418; & # x41F; & # x420; & # x410; & # x41D; June 1, 2015 “The image of her grandmother in a headscarf is gone” How to build a relationship in the family to parenting is not generated conflicts between the parents and grandparents, he told Doctor of Psychology Elena Sergienko.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x422; & # x430; & # x442 ; & # x44C; & # x44F; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x410; & # x440; & # x442; & # x435; & # x43C; & # x44C; & # x435; & # x432; & # x43E; & # x439; May 31, 2015 “Man in Russia – more than man” Ukrainian with a guitar and an American passport Zahar told May about a song about Navalny, being responsible, high-quality music and also explained why Russia needs to be simple. & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x438; & # x43B; & # x430; & # x41A; & # x43E; & # x446; & # x44E; & # x431; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x441; & # x43A; & # x43E; & # x433; & # x43E; / & # x438; & # x437; & # x43B; & # x438; & # x447; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x433; & # x43E; & # x430; & # x440; & # x445; & # x438 ; & # x432; & # x430; & # x410; & # x43D; & # x434; & # x440; & # x435; & # x44F; & # x410; & # x441; & # x442; & # x432; & # x430; & # x446; & # x430; & # x442; & # x443; & # x440; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430; May 31, 2015 “We’re back to 1989″ Russia has returned to the state which is in 1989. The confrontation between the people reached incredible limits. On the part of the liberal intelligentsia lot of aggression, says writer Andrew Astvatsaturov.

 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41F; & # x435; & # x442; & # x440; & # x430; & # x422; & # x440; & # x443; & # x43D; & # x43A; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430 ; June 4, 2015 The more dangerous the feelings of believers The main trouble of our legislators – simply a low legal culture. In the world of wonder it is considered that write laws – to work extremely intelligent.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x410; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x43A; & # x441; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x434; & # x440; & # x430; & # x41A; & # x430; & # x43B; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x430; June 4, 2015 Liberal Conspiracy And if we do not confess? Maybe people will reveal the terrible truth and put right all those who fought against us, the ultimatum?  June 4, 2015 The world had fallen out of utopia A key narrative, predicting the collapse of the Soviet society – is “Office Romance” Ryazanov. This film – the two-part story of the dying Soviet man. & # x421; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; - & # x43A; & # x430; & # x434; & # x440; & # x432; & # x438; & # x434 ; & # x435; & # x43E; June 3, 2015 Life before conditioners Using every day for a long time by many familiar things, we have not given much thought where these things were who invented them, who first began to use, how long ago it was and how to make do without them.


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