Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ukraine will pay for Russian “Yanukovych debts” – BBC

27.07.2016 <- - include virtual = "/ nm2015 / ssi / news / bulka.shtml"!> | 03:06

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The Minister of Finance of Ukraine Alexander Danyluk said that Kiev sees no reason to return to Russia debt of $ 3 billion, which were obtained in the country during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, according to the channel «112 Ukraine» .

«It was a political credit which we were forced to take. Our position is that we should not return the money “- said the Minister

He added that the funds at the time could go to various payments to the state..

Previous reported that the International Monetary Fund will take into account the debt of Ukraine to Russia when discussing the selection of a new tranche of aid to Kiev.

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