Crimea to Russia after the transition was not enough gas. Due to the decline in production “Chornomornaftohaz” Peninsula winter can be faced with a deficit of 200 million cubic meters. The problem is mainly related to the cessation of drilling at the Odessa field on the shelf after the emergency evacuation in December, two rigs, claimed by Kiev. Russia is building a gas pipeline to the Crimea through the Kerch Strait, but it will be ready only by the middle of the heating season.
Crimea expects the forecast deficit of gas in winter 2016-2017 years at the level of 200 million cubic meters, said Minister of Fuel and Energy of the region Svetlana Borodulin. According to her, the reason was the fall of raw material production in the fields “Chornomornaftohaz”. “It is projected parameters, which should be no surprise were required measures for the development of new wells and fields they have not been conducted..”, – The minister added. According to her, the gas shortage can cover the pipeline from the Krasnodar Territory, which is planned to partially introduce by January 2017, with capacity of 4 billion cubic meters. “We are really looking forward to this pipeline Hopefully the winter we will enjoy the New Year, rather than sitting at the headquarters of the ministry.” – She concluded.
Prior to joining the Russian Crimea was the most promising gas production regions of Ukraine and almost went to the self. Working shelf helped to increase production in 2014 by 25% to 2 billion cubic meters. But in 2015 it fell by 7.8% to 1.844 billion cubic meters of gas. SUE “Chernomorneftegaz” “Kommersant” reported that only 0.86 billion cubic meters of gas produced in the first half. Thus, production decline is likely to continue. Part of the high risk removed Glebovsky reserves in underground storage facilities (0.9 billion cubic meters of active gas).
The Ministry of Fuel and “b” of the Crimea Energy explained that the production decline is due to including with the termination of drilling at the Odessa field (located offshore reserves of 22 billion cubic meters), which It provides almost 60% of gas production in the Crimea and was a major source of growth. But in December 2015 the drilling was stopped and the platform were evacuated in the territorial waters of Russia under the escort of the Federal Security Service of boats and missile boats Black Sea Fleet. First, the Crimean authorities have explained this complex international situation and the “risk of loss of vital assets.” Then Head of the republic Sergey Aksenov said that the drill moved to work on Gordievich field, as is the Russian territorial waters. Judging by the dynamics of the production, drilling, wherever they are, are idle.
Emergency evacuation could be related to fears of loss of drilling on the claims “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, which has in 2011 issued “Chernomorneftegaz” a loan of $ 800 million to buy them. In addition, “Naftogaz” in the Hague arbitration requires compensation for the property “Chornomornaftohaz” and gas reserves in underground storage facilities (of about $ 1 billion). Ukrainian authorities generally consider production “Chornomornaftohaz” offshore illegal. Andrey Polishchuk from Raiffeisenbank said that Russia in the event of a sharp drop in production at the Odessa will be able to drive the field to drill around which there will be disputes. He is confident that Moscow will not allow a critical situation with heating in the Crimea in the winter and in case of shortage of gas will provide Peninsula fuel oil.

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