SBU announced the suspension of foreign economic activity of almost 250 Russian companies that cooperate with businessmen at the uncontrolled territory of Kiev in Donbass
The Ukrainian authorities have decided on the temporary suspension of foreign trade activities 243 Russian companies, according to online security Service of Ukraine (SBU).
This is the Russian companies that are “done business with commercial entities temporarily occupied territories by terrorists”, says SBU. During the inspection of the SBU found that most of these companies cooperated with the Ukrainian partners and is not covered by previously Ukraine imposed sanctions.
Materials verification SBU handed over to the Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, which experts found that the Ukrainian producers are able to fully compensate for the Russian imports, said the Ukrainian special service.
«Accordingly, it was decided to temporary suspension of foreign economic activity of these Russian companies “, – the SBU report.
The names of companies, included the SBU in the black list, were not disclosed.
At the beginning of July 2016 the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko extended the embargo on the import of a number of Russian goods to 31 December 2017. The embargo includes a ban on the import to Ukraine of Russian beef, pork and poultry meat, fish, vodka, beer, cigarettes with filter, confectionery, baby food, feed for cats and dogs, as well as a number of other products. Restrictions on the importation of insecticides and herbicides Russian-made locomotives and equipment for railways, as well as another series of products.

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