Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ulyukayev: can declare tax holidays for self-employed people – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, February 14 – RIA Novosti. Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev expects that the spring session will be accepted changes to the existing legislation, according to which self-employed citizens will be able to register in the registry, and then for three years for them will not follow any tax consequences.

after this period, according to the minister, the self-employed citizen can decide enters whether he simplified or some other system of taxation.

“We’re talking about simplifying the system for obtaining patents and here is a new step for the self-employed -.. will not even need to be granted a patent, as such, you just need to register in the system, the registry appropriate, which will guide federal tax service and then not for the first three years followed by any tax or insurance consequences It would be enough that you simply designated as a legal entity that has the appropriate services. “- Ulyukayev said in an interview with NTV television

.” This will work this year. I hope that appropriate changes be made in the spring session of the legislation. And then three years later you will be able to decide – go to the simplified tax system or some other system. There already you will have obligations. The first three years will not be obligations “, – the minister added



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