MOSCOW, February 8th. / TASS /. Sudden inspection readiness began in the troops of the Southern Military District, and the individual compounds of the Airborne Troops and military transport aircraft, said on Monday
Russian Defense Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu. According to him, during the inspection required to assess readiness of the Southern military District to respond to crisis situations of different nature.
“It is necessary to work out the whole range of problems solved by governments and armies, including the fight against terrorist threats, elimination of consequences of natural and man-made disasters. Rate maneuverability of the compounds during the march to create groups of forces “, – the minister added
as an added Shoigu also need to check the readiness of aviation and air defense forces to repel enemy air attacks and protect important military and government installations..
The individual compounds of the Airborne troops will transfer to the place of training and combat tasks during a sudden inspection of combat readiness of the Southern military District, said Shoigu.
“Chief of Staff of the Airborne forces organized transfer slave connections, military units to the area of combat training missions, their transfer to the operational control of the Southern military district and trained to work together, “-. Shoigu said during the meeting
The minister added during exercises paratroopers will work disembark from the aircraft Military transport aircraft and transport helicopters.
“General Staff to organize the check and implement management activities conducted to form two working groups.” – Said Shoigu at a meeting.
The first group will test the military authorities, the troops of the Southern Military District, and the compounds of the Airborne Troops, and the second – check availability management system of South and Central military districts.
He also said that during the audit is planned to evaluate the mobilization readiness of a number of military control bodies and units. “Check mobilization readiness and issues of territorial defense to hold a mobilization of certain military control bodies and departments”, -. He said,
Chief of the Air and Space Forces (VKS) Viktor Bondarev check-fourth Army Air Force and Air Defence during a sudden inspection troops of the Southern military District, said Shoigu
“Check the readiness of aviation and air defense forces to repel enemy air attacks and protect important military and government facilities,” -. Shoigu said at the meeting.
The troops and forces of the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla during a sudden inspection of the Southern Military District will work out practical tasks in the areas of marine polygons, said Shoigu.
“Acting Chief of the Navy Admiral Queen Vladimir Ivanovich personally carry out manual checking of forces and troops of the Black sea fleet and the Caspian flotilla to organize the implementation of practical problems in the areas of naval exercises, “-.. said Shoigu at a meeting
The military attaches of foreign countries will be informed about the sudden diligence combat readiness of the troops of the Southern military District, said Shoigu
“Deputy defense Minister Anatoly Antonov Ivanovich inform the military attaches of foreign countries on the ongoing sudden diligence combat readiness”, -. Shoigu said at a meeting
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