they seemed ridiculous at first, sanctions against unwarranted aggression Putin and capture loyal to the Kremlin and utterly impoverished Crimea, caused significant (especially psychological) blow to Russia and the Old World. The loss of hundreds of billions. Putin and, above all, not strong unitary upper stratum of Russian society, lost at least $ 110 billion (not including lost profits). This is 40 billion more than the losses from falling oil prices. Europe lost about $ 20 billion, which is also a pretty decent amount, given the permanent recession. Even Ukraine, tried to play not pecu liar to themselves most of the game, lost the order of 15-18 billion dollars. But there are those who have succeeded and solidly bummed with the overall imbalance and stupidity of the Russian leadership. Meet – modest and now fabulously rich Faroe Islands.
Faroe Islands do not fall under the kontrsanktsii, were able to extract the maximum benefit from this. They increased the supply of salmon to Russia seven times and became the largest partner of the Russian Federation on this indicator. In this case, the selling price of salmon to Russia on the islands is 25% higher than for buyers of any other countries.
Faroe Islands – one of the few winners from Russian kontrsanktsy. After the introduction of the product embargo they sharply increased sales of salmon in Russia. In September – December 2014 (latest available data) sales were $ 79 million, while in the same months of 2013 the volume of sales was $ 9.8 million, according to The Wall Street Journal. If in 2013 in the same period in Russia accounted for only 7% of the supply of salmon from the islands, but now this figure increased to 40%.
Sanctions against Russia may be revised on the basis of the Minsk talks. Advocate for the abolition of both sides: the EU estimate of losses from the Russian … →
Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean between Scotland and Iceland, although they belong to the Kingdom of Denmark, but not part of the European Union (as well as Danish Greenland) and therefore do not fall under kontrsanktsii entered Russia August 7, 2014. Now, virtually all imports of fresh fish in Russia comes from the Faroe islands, which, by the way, only 50 thousand. Man.
According to government data, the average price of fresh fish, sent to Russia amounted to about $ 3, 13 per pound (194 rub. per 0.45 kg), which is 25% higher than the average selling price in other countries.
In the process of harvesting the fish involved more and more local residents of fishing villages, and thus exports of salmon promotes intensive development of the economy of the Faroe Islands. Faroe Islands now practically a monopoly on the supply of fresh salmon, because they are close enough to send fresh fish in the Russian ships and trucks.
«We are lucky” – quoted by The Wall Street Journal owner Losev economy Hidden Fjord Atli Gregersen. Now he has no end of Russian buyers – it can perform only one-third to blame him for proposals.
«We had no choice,” – said the publication of products for Russian restaurants Azamat Yusupov. Restaurants previously relied on Scottish salmon. Once declared the embargo, Yusupov flew to the Faroe Islands. He was pleased with the quality, but the only problem was – Hidden Fjord has not received approval from the Russian veterinary inspection. Although the first delivery of the company’s products have passed back in 2011.
Prior to August 2014 was a major supplier of salmon Norway – annual supply reached approximately $ 1 billion. In addition to the Faroe Islands salmon in Russia now supplies Chile. According to the company Customs Inform, the growth of imports from Chile in October amounted to 376%, in November – 700% in December – 790%. In this case, Chile deliver cheaper fish – price, according to CI, is $ 5 per 1 kg. However, salmon from Chile is mostly frozen.
In the aggregate purchases from the Faroe Islands and Chile still have not held up to half of the traditional volume of imports of salmon. That can be attributed to a general decline in consumer demand due to the economic crisis and rising food prices, accelerated after the devaluation. On the sidelines of the Davos Forum, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said that in the present circumstances Russian kontrsanktsii unproductive: because of the ruble imports went up, because all you need to remove other barriers.
It is possible that part of the export salmon replaced by internal production. In an interview with “” head of the Federal Agency for Fishery Ilya Shestakov said that Norwegian salmon was able to partially replace the Pacific salmon, which is produced in the Far East. He praised the catch of chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye, coho, chinook – 337 thousand. Tonnes.
Although the overall fishing in Russia in 2014 even fell slightly – according to preliminary data, by 2%, or 92 thous. tons.
Faroe Islands hope in the long term to maintain the premium segment of the Russian market, even when the end of the embargo. However, on Friday, Russian Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said that the cancellation in August introduced a ban on the import of Russian Western products is premature.
«People need food. Russia needs food. Let others think what they want, but no one will prevent us from delivering food, “- said the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands Kaj Leo Holm Johansen.
Faroe Islands depend on the sales of fish, and so the authorities went to the islands open conflict with Denmark.
Europe is nothing left to do, how to ask for power islands, to refrain “from the abuse of the situation.” Such is the amazing story. Glory to the Faroe Islands, in truth, the glory!

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