«Russian Standard” and “Synergy” claim that they can not trade without loss inexpensive products because of unwarranted bonuses, which require retailers. With one of the offenders – a network of “Dixie” – they ask to understand FAS.
Controversial bonuses
According to RBC, the three companies – “Synergy” Alexander Mechetin, as well as part of the holding Roust Rustam Tariq “Russian Standard” and “Russian Alcohol” – asked the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to check how legitimate bonuses, which requires suppliers to group “Dixie” (shops “Dixie” and “Victoria” ) Igor Kesaeva. At their request, the corresponding letter Union of Alcohol Producers (SNAP) posted on February 18, FAS head Igor Artemyev.
The presence of complaints RBC representative confirmed the Office of FAS, Chairman of the Board Dmitry Dobrov SNAP, vice president Roust Roubickova and Mechetin. The representative of “Dixie” Catherine Kumanin reported that notice of the application retailer has not yet received.
As explained Dobrov, members of the association at first appealed to the SNAP complaining of “Dixie”: they sent supplies contracts, correspondence between Buyers from “Dixie” and representatives of manufacturers, offers, letters of intent and other documents – more than 30 certificates fraud retailer. These documents, together with a letter submitted to the FAS.
According to SNAP, contracts “Dixie” with distributive “daughters» Roust and “synergy” reward retailer provide the maximum amount permitted by law “On Trade” – 10% but beyond that suppliers are required to pay an additional 15-20% of the cost of delivery in the form of payments for various network services, such as marketing or logistics. A total amount of all payments network can reach 25-40% of the price of the delivered products.
Each year during the “subscription campaign” when extended supply agreement, the supplier receives from “Dixie” to confirm the requirement for financial liabilities next year in the form of a “protocol of intent”, which is prescribed amount of payments to the network. “No protocol cooperation with” Dixie “in principle impossible,” – said RBC employee of one of the companies who initiated the complaint. After signing the protocol the parties agree a framework agreement “for paid app Azania services”, and in some APPENDIX prescribed specific services – the time at which they are to be provided and the cost. Some services have no economic sense for suppliers, and are the basis for payment for access to the network, confirm in SNAP.
Kumanin denies: procedure “Dixie” is not expected to sign protocols such fees “for entry to the network” does not exist for any product categories, including alcohol.
For example, information services, which pay suppliers – a printout from the internal database retailer insists top managers of large companies alcohol: “For us, it does not matter in what specific store and how much to sell our products. We can not use the information on consumption, because after we put the party in raspredtsentr network, it automatically delivers the goods to the shops, and then we will not be able to influence the distribution. ”
«Report to Nielsen global market research alcohol for two months worth 1.5 million rubles., And a monthly report of the agency” Information and Technology Centre “vodka sales in retail chains – about 280 thousand. Rubles . In the “Dixie” price of one report can be up to 13-14 million rubles. per month, “- he said.
Right on the shelf
« The company provides services to only those who bought partner . We can not comment on why the ordered and received the “unnecessary” services “- argues Kumanin.
Suppliers angers and 10 per cent retropremiya which takes” Dixie “: according to the law” On Trade “it should encourage network to acquire an increasing volume of goods from the supplier, but the basis for the payment of a bonus is the acquisition of a small volume of goods – up to $ 1 million rubles., which is much lower than the actual volume of deliveries.
According to Dobrov, due to unreasonable payment networks supply alcohol lower and middle price segment is at zero profitability or even a loss. According to the SNAP, in chain stores alcohol producers supply about 50% of that release.
heightened competition
The Executive Director of the Association of Retail Companies (ACORT ) Andrey Karpov considers that the treatment of producers in FAS due to stiff competition in the alcohol market. According to him, the legal production – this is only half of all sold alcohol in the country (according to Rosstat, retail sales of vodka in Russia in 2014 amounted to 103.9 million dal and production – only 66.6 million given the volume of imports does not cover this difference), is added to the problem of declining profitability due to the current problems in the economy. “To some extent we can draw a parallel between alcohol and grain products – and here and there overcapacity. Heightened competition forces them to review the working conditions and through this kind of pressure, “- said Karpov.
At the end of January 2015 a group of deputies and several senators, led by Irina Spring and Victor Zvagel’skii introduced a bill offering to rewrite certain articles of the law “On Trade”: they offer limited additional payments networks of suppliers, reduce deferred payment for delivered goods, to increase penalties for violating the law. In particular, instead of 10% retrobonusa network will be able to charge the contractor is not more than 3%, and the payment of other fees and vovsebudet prohibited.
If the fault of “Dixie” will be proved, she faces a fixed penalty – up to 5 million rubles. for each proven case of violations of the law, said antitrust partner Goltsblat BLP Nikolai Voznesensky. However, to prove that the services are actually imposed, it is difficult, he recalls: “I think the association is unlikely bloodthirsty retailer. Their task, apparently, from the network to achieve concessions in terms of payments.
Supplier on the network pay a penalty or not, neither hot nor cold. It is an element of pressure on the network. ” According to the director «INFOLine-Analytics” Mikhail Burmistrov, alcohol producers – especially the suppliers, their retrobonus calculated from the value of goods including excise tax, which is great.
Earlier, Deputy Head of Industry and Trade Viktor Evtukhov advised “not to hang the label” speculators “for the entire trading business.” “Retail price of many products grew more slowly ex-works prices”, – he explained: for example, the manufacturer’s selling price for sunflower oil, according to Rosstat, in 2014 rose on average by 20%, and retail for the same period – only 10 %, wholesale sugar prices have increased by 78%, retail – only 63%. In recent weeks, almost all major Russian networks announced the freezing of growth margins or prices for socially important goods.
The group of companies “Dixie” on January 31, 2015 operated 2,225 stores, including 2,095 supermarkets “Dixie”, 94 supermarket “Victoria”, one shop Cash and 35 “MEGAMART” and “Minimart”. Group revenue at the end of 2014 amounted to 229 billion rubles., Which is 26.9% higher than a year earlier. Controlling stake “Dixie”, founded in 1999, in 2008 the group acquired the “Mercury” Igor Kesaeva. Capitalization of “Dixie” on the Moscow stock exchange is 57.01 billion rubles.

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