The Federal Antimonopoly Service has the direct request of the president took the strange behavior of gasoline prices. They show uncontrolled growth amid falling oil prices. As they say, to whom the war, and to whom mother is native.
The price tag is visible from afar, and eyes he was not happy. The price of gasoline – the national economy index. For millions of people, it is more important than the dollar. Finally, the cost of gasoline depends on the cost of transportation, and hence prices for all consumer products.
The hidden from the eyes of a shock in the sphere of Russian fuel wholesale market has experienced this summer. Because of the repair processing plants and the lack of proposals emerged hype – the price of gasoline markets soared. However, by the end of the year the situation is equalized, wholesale prices fell by almost half, but the retail somehow continued to grow.
Why? This question asked the Cabinet and the President. “Some things are ambiguous. On the 10% increase in prices of petroleum products. With a decrease in world oil prices by 35%. But that’s not all. The main growth was recorded in the retail sector, while in the wholesale prices are down. This is how to understand ? Where FAS then looks? “- asked the head of state.
Reduce the cost of gasoline, motorists could themselves, stop buying expensive fuel. Market, as experts explain, always react to lower prices. But the citizens did not refuel less that the fuel monopoly was seen as the consumer’s consent to the price. Therefore, the only regulator of gasoline prices and is the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
Relationship FAS and fuel giants in Russia have a rich history. In the service itself it is measured in “waves”, when after a jump in prices supervisory body starts rounding up presumptuous sellers and prices are falling. The first wave of penalties for violators of tens of billions and even entered the history of the largest antitrust fines in the world. Measure was effective – instead of 150 cases per year today FAS excites the industry no more than ten. Whether or not to consider the current rise in the next deliberate manipulation?
4 December FAS sent a warning to oil companies, which requires bring the situation in the wholesale and retail market in accordance with market conditions, in other words, to return prices to reality.
“On December 11, a number of companies began to decline in prices by 10-20 cents. It is also expected to decline, and the next week,” – said Deputy Head of FAS Anatoly Golomolzin.
One the first to respond “Rosneft”. Prices at the pump are reduced in Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Bryansk regions. Liter 92-fell by 20, and in some cases and 60 cents.
“If you look at gas stations” Rosneft “price is always lower than at the pump of our competitors. This policy we will carry out. Of course, we will try to ensure efficiency. No speculation the company would not allow himself never in order to raise prices. I expect that the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which the president ordered an investigation will deal with this. We will supply the cheapest oil to our customers, ” – said Igor Sechin, the president of “Rosneft”.
One of the peculiarities of the Russian fuel market – pricing model. It differs from the countries buying oil and oil mining.
“In countries where living standards are quite high, gasoline is expensive primarily because of the promotion of energy conservation. On the other hand, in the oil-producing countries, where the level of life traditionally not the highest, the local government involves the provision of massive aid rather poor middle class due to the fact that that artificially keep the price of gasoline at a low level “, – said the doctor of economic sciences, Nikita Krichevsky publicist.
So why when the world price of oil falls, falls the price of gasoline in Russia?
“The world price fell hard enough, but we do not buy this oil, we produce it, and what is going on Our refineries, which then appears with motor fuel, this oil we have extracted. And the cost of oil does not depend on the world price, “- said Eugene Arkusha, head of the Russian Fuel Union.
The share of crude oil in the final price a liter of gasoline in Russia minimal – only 7%. That is why the price of the cheapest barrel of petrol we will not affect in any way. The tenth part of recycling, but the share of public gathering we reach 65%. Here and extraction tax that companies pay in foreign currency equivalent, and high excise taxes. Sellers is about 18% of its revenue – it now and try dopoluchit retailers of gasoline.
“We refills remain old gasoline stocks. It will take some time, and the old road will be replaced with new reserves, depreciating, and we Of course, we can expect some decline in prices, “- said Michael Turukalov, business development director at the independent agency” Analysis of commodity markets “.
At the same time on a global scale Russians buy cheaper gasoline citizens of most countries. And compared with Europe difference reaches four times, for example, oil with Norway. Although the peak of the crisis in Greece, the sellers have lowered prices to spur the economy, and the cars on the road has really become more.
It is known that from January 1, the tax burden on oil companies in Russia will grow by an additional excise tax, and so called tax maneuver. The Federal Antimonopoly Service promise that will be watching what is happening in the fuel market.
Another area of FAS – bread market. Rumors of an impending price increase of 10 per cent is taken seriously.
“If these prices are going up here against any speculative expectations, nothing to do with the fact that entrepreneurs are investing in the real price of its product, even if this Different methods are used heating up demand, the Federal Antimonopoly Service must intervene. And by the way, such interventions are already taking place, “- said Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS.
Territorial Management FAS began testing five hundred bakeries and 50 mills .

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