Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The prosecutor’s office has made a miserable road repairs under the Altai Science City – a REGNUM


Barnaul, July 2, 2015, 06:36 – REGNUM In the Altai Territory at the request of the prosecutor’s office of the city of Biisk allocated more than 50 million rub. to repair the road at the entrance to Science City, which is part of the federal highway M-52. According to IA REGNUM Assistant Attorney Biysk Natalia Tivikova three kilometers of road riddled with potholes and subsidence.

The content of the road administration is engaged in Biisk. City Prosecutor has sent a lawsuit in which he demanded to oblige the municipality to bring the track in order. The statement of claim reviewed and approved.

The road should be repaired before the beginning of autumn 2015. At the moment, from the city budget allocated, to the auction contractor chosen.

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