Thursday, July 2, 2015

The prosecutor’s office has forced officials to repair the federal highway in the Altai region with a lot of potholes – Interfax Russia

Photo TASS

July 2nd. – The Prosecutor’s Office of the Altai Territory has made the administration of Biisk allocation of funds for the repair of part of the federal highway M-52, where there are unacceptable damage, according to the press center agency.

“Three kilometers of the route does not meet the requirements for operational states, permissible under the terms of road safety, as any damage coverage in the form of subsidence and potholes that are larger than the maximum permissible limits. The prosecutor demanded to oblige the municipality to bring the track in accordance with the requirements” – said in a statement.

The statement of claim in court the prosecutor is satisfied in full. On the road repair Biysk administration allocated more than 50 million rubles. Repairs should be completed by September this year.

“At present, an auction and selected contractor, which will repair the road”, – emphasized in the press release.


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