Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Ministry of Finance of Greece has complained of the lack of machines for printing drachma – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, June 2 – RIA Novosti. Greek Finance Minister Janis Varufakis said that the country will not be able in the near future to print its own currency (the drachma) in the case of the eurozone, according to ABC.

According to the politician, the country remained machines for printing its own currency.

“Can someone does not know, but after the introduction of the euro, we had to get rid of all the machines to print drachma. Then we do not seem a bad thing, since we joined the common currency area, and it was not some temporary measure – we had hoped that it will be forever, “- said Janis Varufakis.

Greece not listed next IMF loan payments. The country does not have enough funds to finance its internal and external commitments, and EU partners require new tough reforms in return for loans.

On Wednesday evening, the Council of Ministers of Finance of the euro area (Eurogroup) decided not to renew talks with Greece the possibility of providing financial support to the results of the referendum in the country.

Prime Tsipras appointed on 5 July referendum on the proposals of creditors and urged voters to reject these proposals. At the same time, he said in a televised address that “no” in the referendum does not mean a break with the EU and a step towards a new agreement with creditors.


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