Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Helpdesk self-dependent opened in Moscow – Russian newspaper

In Moscow residents suffering constant desire to make self be able to contact hour emergency psychological help for addiction problems MNPTS Addiction. This TASS chief narcologist Yevgeny Brun.

See also

He said that more and more Muscovites suffer from self-dependence.

“If you feel that you have not a day can not live without self call psychological service – you will consult and support, “- said Brune.

Earlier, the Russian Interior Ministry submitted a memo on how to do self safe. Police officers will distribute it to pupils and students in the classroom on security. Such action Interior Ministry intends to stop the fashion of dangerous self.

See also

In recent years, the increasing incidence of RF deaths of young people when trying to take a picture.

The most tragic self Russia

In St. -Peterburge student photographer was killed by a strong discharge current, trying to make an unusual picture. She climbed onto the bridge, but stumbled and instinctively grabbed the exposed cable.

A student of ninth grade in the suburbs while walking under the supervision of a teacher climbed the concrete blocks to make the self and grabbed the bare wires are energized .

In Khakassia 16-year-old for the same reason fell from the mountain into the abyss.

In Moscow, a 21-year-old girl accidentally shot himself in the head with a pistol, which tried to take a picture.

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