Wednesday, July 8, 2015

According to “Gazprom” struck Ashgabat – BBC

«Turkmengaz” states that “Gazprom” has ceased to be solvent since the beginning of the year. According to sources, “Gazety.Ru”, the parties arose price conflict, and “Gazprom” does not want to pay the price set by Turkmenistan. Similarly behaves in relation to the “Gazprom”, “Naftogaz Ukraine” and the situation with Turkmenistan, according to experts, can be used Kiev to price pressure on the Russian monopoly.

Turkmenistan announced on Wednesday that “Gazprom” has become insolvent. As reported on the Turkmen government resource “Oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan”, due to the continuing global economic crisis and Western countries imposed economic sanctions against Russia, the Russian company has been unable to pay its contract of sale and purchase of Turkmen gas.

«Gazprom» since the beginning of 2015 does not pay its debts to the “Turkmengaz”, – said in a statement.

«Gazprom “declined to comment, contact with” Turkmengas “failed, but a source in the Russian gas industry told” “that the case disagreements on gas prices. The price range did not name the source.

«The Russian monopoly considers the price unfair and refused to pay – says another source. – In fact, the situation mirrors the Russian-Ukrainian relations ».

Recall that in the Stockholm arbitration is now considered the matter of “Gazprom” and “Naftogaz Ukraine”. The Russian company needs to pay the debts for 2014, “Naftogaz” refuses to do so, arguing that the price of $ 485 per 1 thousand. Cubic meters, in his view, is not a market. Such, according to the Ukrainian side is the price of $ 268.5, which operated from the end of 2013 to the second quarter of 2014. However, this price includes the two discounts that were offered another government of Viktor Yanukovych. On April 1, 2014 “Gazprom” they canceled and Ukraine to pay for gas ceased, although it continued to receive. It was not until June 16, when “Gazprom” translated “Naftogaz” on prepaid mode.

«Ashgabat declaration of insolvency of” Gazprom “Ukraine could be used to put pressure on Russia, so that it increased the discount on gas,” – says a member of the expert council of the Union of Russian Oil and Gas Eldar Kasaev .

However, the expert points out, the Ukrainian side proposed price of Russian raw materials ($ 247.18 for 1 thousand. cubic meters, with the discount of $ 40) is consistent with the market, and the history of the Turkmen Gas began long before the current escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian gas conflict.

According to the director of analytical department of IC «Golden Hills – Capital AM” Mikhail Krylov, the conflict between Turkmenistan and “Gazprom” predicted. “Turkmengaz” is likely to go to court “, – the expert believes.

Krylov recalls that since the end of the zero Turkmens insist to prohibit the “Gazprom” re-feed, which is considered his. Actually, the basic idea of ​​the Turkmen side is not even in the re-export ban, and to increase the sale price of “Gazprom”.

buying Turkmen gas for about $ 250 per 1 thousand. Cubic meters, “Gazprom” sells it to Europe much more expensive (for example, last year, the Russian company supplied gas to Germany by price of $ 323, to Italy – at $ 341, and in Greece – $ 400).

«Purchase price from Turkmenistan are constantly discussed, apparently, it was a question of price position $ 300 for 1 thousand. cubic meters, – says Krylov. – But now, “Gazprom” to reduce the price of their European counterparts, and it is unprofitable to buy Turkmen gas at higher prices. ” Reduced prices collapsed due to oil quotations, which are tied to the price of long-term contracts, “Gazprom”.

Until 2009, “Gazprom” has been the biggest buyer of Turkmen gas (in 2008 – about 42 billion cubic meters). The Russian monopoly resell it to Europe. But then there was a conflict caused by an accident on a gas pipeline “Central Asia – Center”. The Turkmen side has blamed the incident “Gazprom export”, which supposedly sharply reduced volumes of throughput, without notifying the Turkmen partners that led to a change in pressure in the pipe and explosion. Russia has rejected the charges as a result of Turkmen gas supplies were halted until 2010, but the amount they have been much less, and continued to decline.

In early 2015, Russia said on reducing purchases of gas from Turkmenistan to 10 billion cubic meters to 4 billion cubic meters. The head of the Ministry of Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in late June that the Turkmen have no complaints about the reduction of supply, and Russia is ready to return to the original volume, if it is economically feasible.

«Gazprom» for several years considering the possibility of reducing the volume of imported raw materials, and then the complete abandonment of the purchase of Turkmen gas for several reasons: shortages and short supply of imported raw materials, high cost of purchased gas, the presence of its own surplus production capacity “, – says member of the advisory council of the Union of Oil and Gas Russia Eldar concerned.

The expert said that Russia carried out the re-export of Turkmen fuel is registered as transit and not subject to export duties.

«In the end, Russia Treasury loses several billion dollars a year, “- indicates concern.

According to the expert, it would be advisable to opt out of purchases of Central Asian gas, since the same amount is quite possible to produce in Russia (The mining resource of “Gazprom” is 617 billion cubic meters despite the fact that last year the company produced only 444 billion cubic meters) – among other things, it will create new jobs in the domestic market and expand the tax base.


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