Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greece has opened polling stations for the referendum – Kommersant

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In Greece, began voting in a referendum on the agreement with the country’s international creditors. Voting will take place from 7:00 to 19:00. Polls promise high turnout for the opening of the polling stations began to approach people of all ages, reports AFP.

Recall that the Greek debt situation around the EU and the IMF, part of an astronomical sum of more than € 240 billion, is extremely acute. June 30 expiration of the lending program of Greece from the EU, with the Eurogroup has ignored the call of Athens to keep the action program before the referendum on Sunday on whether to accept the anti-crisis plan of Brussels.

Prime -Minister Greece Alexis Tsipras urged citizens to vote in a referendum on Sunday, July 5, the lenders to the proposed austerity measures, promising not to cut salaries and pensions.

More about the position of the Greek Government, read the material “b” “The Greek government is at the table».

About the Eurogroup talks on the situation in Greece, see the article ” b “” Payment Greek ».



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