Sunday, July 5, 2015

Consequences of failure by the European aid programs – Kommersant

 - & Gt;

Position of Athens in the negotiations on the financial assistance will be significantly weaker than in the case of a negative outcome of the vote, said last week the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said not directly, will break off negotiations . Greek Finance Minister Janis Varufakis contrary, hastened to assure citizens that the deal could be reached as early as Monday (in the case of a positive outcome of the referendum he promised to resign). According to IMF estimates, the current level of debt is not sustainable in Athens: even with compression of government spending to service debts to the government would not be able – for that Greece will need € 36 billion of new loans and the postponement of the current debt to the “troika” (EU, ECB, IMF) calculated in the Fund. It is unclear how the other members of the euro area will be ready to provide a new finpomosch without guarantees continuation of reforms – Germany’s position on this issue very negative, as a direct threat to the financial sector currency bloc Greek exit from it no longer bears – in German, British and American banks account for only € 30 billion of Greek debt. However, the main problem for Athens is freezing the banking sector: in the case of a negative outcome of the ECB is unlikely to increase credit support to Greek banks, which threatens the extension of capital constraints and can cause substantial damage to the economy that is likely to make the inevitable next round of negotiations with creditors, but now at the initiative of Athens.

Tatiana Edovina


The newspaper “Kommersant” №117 of 07.06.2015, p. 1

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