Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Japanese plan to invest in the top “Khabarovsk” 2 billion rubles – BBC

The Russian-Japanese company JGC Evergreen started to build a greenhouse complex for year-round cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers on a platform created by the advanced development of the territory “Khabarovsk”, according to press service Minvostokrazvitiya.

“This is one of the first projects with participation of Japanese capital in the Khabarovsk Territory. In the course of its implementation, we, together with partners from Japan are working on mechanisms for cooperation “, – he said at the ceremony of the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Vyacheslav Shport.

The original complex of greenhouses will occupy an area of ​​2 hectares, it is planned to expand to 10 hectares. The volume of announced investments – more than 2 billion rubles.

Previous was reported that representatives of China Minvostokrazvitiya and discussed joint projects.


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