Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Media: FBI check awarding Russia the right to host the 2018 World Cup – Rosbalt.RU

Rosbalt, 03/06/2015 19:57

WASHINGTON, June 3. Federal Bureau of Investigation, which, along with the American prosecutors engaged in a loud corruption scandal in the FIFA award of Russia will check the right to host the World Cup in 2018. This is stated in the report by Reuters, citing an anonymous source in law enforcement bodies of the USA.

The agency’s interlocutor said that the FBI check and application of Qatar to the 2022 World Cup.

The study claims Russia and Qatar will be part of the investigation, which is beyond the charges against the arrested officials of FIFA US Justice Department last week.

Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate the activities of Joseph Blatter as president of FIFA, according to Reuters. Earlier this broadcaster ABC said a source close to the investigation of a corruption scandal. As long as Blatter is not an official defendant in a sensational case that erupted a few days before his re-election as FIFA president on May 29, however, according to ABC, many of those arrested Federation officials want to “save themselves” and are likely to try to “throw a switch” on Blatter.

It became known yesterday that Blatter, who led the federation for 17 years, resigned. He resigned as president of FIFA four days after his re-election. He will serve until the election of a new head of the federation. Speaking about his resignation, Blatter urged not to wait until the next congress in Mexico, which was held in May 2016, and as soon as possible extraordinary.

For more information about the situation, see the article “Rosbalt”.


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