Sunday, June 7, 2015

Deutsche Bank is investigating the laundering of $ 6 billion belonging to the Russian customers – Express-News

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06.06 | 21:51

In October last year the Bank of Russia appealed to the Deutsche Bank with a request to check the trading activity of employees of the Moscow branch. Currently, Deutsche Bank AG began an internal audit on suspicion of laundering US $ 6 billion, belonging to Russian customers. This work has already alerted the British Office of Business Ethics in the financial sector (FCA), the European Central Bank and the German financial regulator Bafin.

Yesterday, the German bank issued a statement, which says its tough stance on the identification and suppression of suspicious activity. It is now suspended from work, some employees of the Moscow branch of the Bank until the end of the internal audit.

The first sounded the alarm German economic magazine Manager Magazin. He reported on suspicious transactions for hundreds of millions of euros: first was conducted OTC derivatives transaction in Moscow, and a few seconds later they were sold in the London OTC market. As a result of this operation Dollars have been translated into sterling. According to the publication, the origin of the money is unknown, there is a possibility of money laundering some Russian clients employees of the Moscow branch Deutsche Bank.

Source Bloomberg suggests that the amount of suspicious transactions may be even greater because the investigation is not finished. It checks the employees and Deutsche Bank, in particular, the head of department on work with the shares of Tim Vizvel.

Recall that Deutsche Bank – the largest investment bank in Russia. It has more than 1,000 employees in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In April, he paid a large fine for attempting to manipulate the weighted average lending interest rate.


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