Sunday, June 7, 2015

Deutsche Bank is investigating the possibility of laundering $ 6 billion Russian clients – Turkey Tourism News

The transactions were made in rubles Russian clients through Deutsche Bank.

As reported June 5, Deutsche Bank AG carries out an internal audit of the suspicion of possible money laundering customers Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of $ 6 billion.

«We will continue to promote international investigation aimed at identifying and stopping suspicious activity and take tough action if we find evidence of illegal actions”, – said in a statement issued on Friday, by e-mail.

Most of the employees of the branch in the capital during the investigation were sent on vacation.

«We are suspended from work a small number of people from the capital to the receipt of the results of this test,” – informed in the bank. In addition, the revised role of employees Deutsche Bank in this case. The publication notes that Deutsche Bank found questionable customer transactions in the derivatives market, and consequently a branch suspected of laundering at least a few million euros. The Russian division of the company has more than a thousand people.

Authorized FCA, the ECB and the Bafin declined to comment.

In the second month of spring the bank was fined by the US and the UK for the manipulation of interest rates on $ 2.5 billion. This was the largest fine in the history of the credit institution. In this regard, the largest German investment bank started internal audit clients.

Deutsche Bank check Clint laundering in Russia for $    6 billion


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