Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Ministry of Finance has proposed moving part of insurance premiums from business to citizens – RBC

The Ministry of Finance has proposed moving part of insurance premiums from business to citizens – RBC

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov

Photo: Fotobank / Getty Images

 dignified old age: what retirement will receive the highest Russian officials Special

In addition to the salaries of senior officials on September 1 and will increase their future pensions, as well as payment of the current senior retirees. According to estimates by RBC, retired president can count on a monthly payment of 530 thousand. Rubles., Who left the post of prime minister and the speakers of the two houses of parliament – on payment of 320-430 thousand. Rubles. Ministers – to retire in the range of 60-90 thousand . rub. Rejection of the funded part of pensions for ordinary citizens to social security of the Russian leadership will not affect.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said the need to gradually reduce ” direct burden “on business, including the amount of insurance premiums, and gradually shift it to the population.

« I see – as finance minister – the need to reduce the load line in the form of direct taxes on business, including insurance contributions, and part of that load to shift gradually to the population “, – quotes RIA Novosti Siluanova.

The company pays for workers’ insurance premiums, forms for the population of retirement savings, contributions to the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, said Minister, noting that the worldwide burden on business and the population is distributed on a “50 to 50».

«So we’re talking about what could be lower premiums for the company gradually shifting population targeted approach to the formation of their own retirement, and so forth, “- said the Minister.

In the case of load transfer on insurance premiums should be introduced compulsory payment for citizens. At the initial stage payment for the population can range from 2% to 4%, said Siluanov.

«It is possible to start with a two-three-four per cent, that is low cost. Reduce, assume [the premiums with the business] to 26%, and 4% shift to the citizens “, – he explained.

The Minister stressed that at this stage, this measure – a” concept proposal “the Ministry of Finance, because the burden on business is very burdensome for employers. “I think it’s not a matter of one year, the case discussion in the government”, – added Siluanov. According to him, the burden on citizens can be increased after 2018.


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