Wednesday, October 1, 2014

CBR will conduct an investigation for market manipulation after reports of restrictions on the movement of capital – RBC

CBR will conduct an investigation for market manipulation after reports of restrictions on the movement of capital – RBC

CBR is investigating the cause of the sharp collapse of the ruble 01.10.2014 12:01

Central Bank will conduct an investigation for market manipulation after reports of restrictions on the movement of capital, according to TASS referring to the press service of the Bank of Russia. “Please be advised that the Bank of Russia to ensure fair pricing of financial instruments intended to analyze the situation for signs of market manipulation”, – said the press service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

September 30 Bloomberg, citing a source in the Bank of Russia said that the regulator is considering the introduction of restrictions on the movement of capital. This post has led to panic in the currency market, whose members began to buy dollars on a large scale. At the same time the ruble updated lows against the dollar and the currency basket has exceeded the upper limit of the corridor (44.40 rubles.). Because of this, the CBR was forced to resume foreign exchange intervention.

On Wednesday, October 1, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin live CNBC before the opening of an organized “VTB Capital” Forum “Russia Calling” did not rule out the introduction of restrictions on cross-border movement of capital in the future. “Never say” never. ” But not at this stage “, – he said.

On the eve of the sources told Bloomberg that the Russian government discuss possible restrictions on the movement of capital. However, the Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Moiseev said Wednesday Tass that the Finance Ministry does not discuss such initiatives.


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