started to organize deliveries of fruit and vegetables to Russia from Syria. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage sent to Novorossiysk from Latakia Assad’s forces controlled
According to “Kommersant” newspaper, last week arrived in Novorossiysk is the second batch of products from Latakia, Syria’s government-controlled army. Oranges, lemons, greyfruty, tomatoes and cabbage received in the wholesale and retail food center “Food City”, but negotiations importer – company “Adyg-Jurack.” – Leads and major retailers
According to the newspaper, until the last moment of the delivery of Syrian products were tentative, but the other party was already 3000 tonnes.
According to “Kommersant” source company “Alyg-Jurack”, the sole owner of which is Aslan Panesh actually controlled the owners of the shopping center “European” Zarah Iliev and Year Nisanovu. The latter with Panesh associate “good relations».
Another source publication claims that Iliev and Nisan provide “Adyg-Yurakov” partner assistance, for example, giving the company for rent at a discounted rate area of ”Food City” . It is not excluded that the owners of “Kiev area” later buy back the shares of the importer. This would be the case if the business supply products from Syria will be established.
Panesh argues that negotiating the sale of the Syrian vegetables and fruits with retail chains “Magnet” and “Pyaterochka”, but their representatives this information is not confirmed.
The Executive Director of “Sovecon” analytical center Andrei Sizov said that “Adyg-Yurakov” it will be difficult to negotiate with the large retailers. In Syria, the ongoing military operations, and therefore difficult to fix in the contract order and delivery volumes. The downside is of poor quality and packaging, production of which the country has not yet been established.
Deputy Head of Economic Forecasting “Gazprombank” Daria Snitko believes that Syria is unlikely to press manufacturers, which have replaced the representatives of Turkey. It is necessary to take into account that Syria has to practically not yet been presented in the Russian market.

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