Thursday, December 18, 2014

Weak ruble: clothing sellers can not update any collection or raise prices – BBC News

Weak ruble: clothing sellers can not update any collection or raise prices – BBC News

Due to the sharp depreciation of the ruble stopped delivering the goods in shops largest sellers of clothing, footwear and accessories in Russia. Among them were the Spanish company Inditex (brands Zara, Oysho, Bershka) and BNS Group, managing networks in Russia Calvin Klein, Armani Jeans, Michael Kors, TopShop, reported today the newspaper “Vedomosti”.

The general director of BNS Group Denis Bogatyrev said the publication that the supply of the next spring the company had to start to pick up in the middle or the end of December, but now took a break until the end of 2014 – the first week of 2015. In this case, by brand fast fashion, such as TopShop, shipments continue, but at a reduced level.

The company “Kira Plastinina Style” (Kira Plastinina stores and Lublu) also stopped buying from suppliers and discuss with them the new conditions. Similar information was reported and a representative of Sela.

At the same time, sellers of clothing are hoping that by

the end of the Christmas holidays ruble has stabilized, and the company will be able to plan the work for 2015. In the meantime, they are trying to mitigate the negative effects. In regions where the purchasing power of lower clothing and footwear retailers have been asking about the shopping malls vacation rentals, tells consultant in real estate. In Moscow, retailers tend to ask the network to replace the fixed rate on a percentage of turnover.

At the same time raise the prices of clothing and footwear retailers now also can not. In particular, the shoe chain Zenden explained that the consumer is very sensitive. During the November Monetary jump sellers raised their prices by 23% in the lower price segment, and it brought down sales, the company eventually had to return to the previous price, according to RIA Novosti.


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