According to statistics, the cost of housing in the country since the beginning of the year increased by approximately 10%. The weakening of the ruble, many citizens have decided to invest in the most stable currency – the square footage. What will happen next? Will decline if interest rates on mortgages? And will the housing in our country truly affordable? On this and many other things in an interview with “KP” said Minister of Construction and Housing Mikhail Men.
Large apartment – below the price
– Mikhail, one of your main goals as a minister – to make housing affordable. But the price per square meter stubbornly continue to grow. What are the reasons?
– For this year we have launched many initiatives aimed at reducing the prices in housing and began to fight with the main problems of the industry. Three of them. Firstly, the bureaucracy. All sorts of delaying the process due to the different times of excessive approvals. Secondly, like we have a lot of land, and ready sites with utilities, networks, and roads is not enough. And, thirdly, the mortgage rate. Every third apartment we bought on credit, but the stakes are quite high.
– Reduce the cost per square meter in principle, really?
– You can only increase the volume of commissioned housing. In 2012, the country built 65.74 million sq. M. meters, and by the end of this year we have to go on the figure of 71 million sq. m. meter. Most importantly, we will not fall construction volumes, then it will be a factor that will keep prices down.
– In an interview with “KP” one year ago, you said that a square meter in country can cost 30 thousand rubles …
– I meant the program “Housing for the Russian family.” She started this year. Terms such. We talk to the developer: if you sell an apartment at a price of up to 30 thousand. Rubles per square, we want you to 4 th. Rubles per square meter of housing will compensate. This is about the cost of infrastructure. The developer, in fact, sell meter by 34 thousand. Rubles, and a man spends only 30 thousand. The first project has already entered into the land of Tula. And our task – to the end of 2017 to build 25 million sq. Meters of this program.
– Who can become a member?
– The website of Ministry of Construction and HMLA have complete information. We gave the widest range of categories, but the final version, date for each territory will be formed already regional authorities. This is mainly public sector employees, families, recipients of maternity capital. Residents will be able to clarify the details of the local administration. Mortgages for participants in the program will be at a reduced rate – 10.6 – 11.1% per year.
– How many people will be able to buy an apartment at a reduced price?
– According to our estimates, more than 450 thousand families. On participation in the program have already announced 65 regions of Russia. The total amount of the claimed construction in them – more than 19 million sq. M. m. If this scheme will work effectively in the future will be able to use it actively.
– And what about the other regions? Why they are in no hurry to join the program? For example, the same Moscow …
– Each region independently decide on participation in the program. The list is still open, the region continues to apply. For example, the Moscow region now actively preparing. From Moscow’s proposal was not, but we must understand that it is the capital, there is another demand, other market. It can be said about the capital of any state, housing prices there are always higher.
Dutch auction
– At the current rate of inflation and weakening of our currency in a couple of years 30 thousand rubles – it will be quite a penny … will change the program?
– We are engaged in housing economy, so much of the exchange rate does not. All construction materials (cement, gravel, fittings) we produce. And even technique. One tap “Ivanovets” worth something – almost the entire market of mild cranes took. Tower cranes, we also better Chinese. We can build them all over the country. Overall construction – one of the few industries that is protected. As for the price, it’s time to forget about our builders super-profits and earn reasonable. Even if we index the cost per square meter in the program “Housing for Russian family,” then we do not get attached to the ruble exchange rate and inflation.
– How else can you reduce the price per square meter? Not for beneficiaries …
– This year we have introduced a system of Dutch auction for the purchase of land. This auction on lowering the price per square meter. For comparison, now how the auction? One builder says: I will give this piece of land for a certain amount. Second, and I will give more. They traded, knowing that then beat off the cost of cost per square meter. Dutch auction will go the other way. One builder says: I will build on this earth the quarter in which will sell square meter for 55 thousand rubles. Second, and I – for 50 thousand will. Third, and I – for 45. SOLD! We have this method has already been successfully used in the lands of the RHD Foundation – he justified. Who have received the law that any municipality may use such a scheme. We will encourage them to do so.
less bureaucracy
– Now another problem – the bureaucracy. We had a huge amount of coordination that business should get in the construction …
– The total volume was 220, now reduced to 134. This is if you take all types of construction. And apartment buildings, and complex building, and cottages. In apartment buildings reduced the number of approvals doubled – up to 65.
– This is the optimal number?
– No. About 40 approvals will try next year to remove. To do this you need to make changes to the laws. The main thing is that we managed to do – list of approvals is now a comprehensive and unified at the federal level. Regions can not now impose on the developer additional administrative procedures that are not in the list, it will be against the law. But the truth is always in the middle. You can not completely get rid of the control.
– Where is the line?
– We have it now in the manual mode to track. Take the same maloetazhku. Here, the pendulum has swung the other way. 5 years – 6 back at all abolished examination arhstroynadzor tolerances and even the construction of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs). And with good intentions. They build quickly, but began to appear pitfalls. The worst example – in the Bryansk region in the village of “White shores.” There are 10 houses built 8 now be demolished. Impossible to live there. On the walls went cracks, the floors sagged in apartments mold, no noise insulation. Who will restore order, part of the procedure returns.
Self-regulation has not justified
– It was planned that the order in the industry will induce notorious SRO. But it has grown a illegal business. Fictitious license issued to the right and to the left …
– We need to restore order in the mechanism of self-regulation. Score on the Internet “tolerance for the construction, cheap, installments, one day.” Thousands of ads will appear. And what is the quality of the end result? And no responsibility. What is the main idea of self-regulation? This
in the army. If one platoon at fault, then march all. For example, if a member of the SRO has been authorized and built a cardboard house. Nothing personal, colleagues let money compensation funds answer, come and will bring the quality of construction works to the desired level, once a colleague of the total plant did not deliver.
– But that was not in the law. ..
– That’s it. When he wrote the law, lobbying force the amendment dipped out. As a result, remained simply issuing construction tolerances. That’s all self-regulation. Now we’ve given year construction SRO reform. If next year the situation will not change, will raise the question of whether the existence of this institution.

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