Quote.rbc.ru 15.12.2014 12:35
At the Moscow Stock Exchange in the morning Monday, December 15 , the euro and the dollar set a new historical record. The euro rose above $ 73 rub., The previous record was set on Friday, 12 December, when one euro was 72.94 rubles. Dollar exchange rate also exceeded the previous maximum achievement and rose to the level of 58.72, which also was a new historical record. Prices of oil futures Brent and Light Sweet Monday morning continued to fall, and renewed their multi-year lows. Quotes of Brent crude fell today to price at $ 60.28 per barrel. (The lowest level in five years and five months – 13 July 2009), as oil prices WTI (Light Sweet) fell to the price at $ 56.25 per barrel. (The lowest level in five years and almost eight months – from May 8, 2009). On Friday lows on oil futures transactions were $ 61.35 per barrel. (Brent) and $ 57.34 per barrel. (WTI). According to a senior trader at Bank “Globex” Igor Zelencov, the ruble continues to fall rapidly. “Movement is a fragmentary, chaotic and reflects the panic in the market. Conducted by the Central Bank interventions do not reach their goal, but rather the contrary: substantially strengthening the Russian currency for a few minutes, ask a new round of rate movement up afterwards. Increase in the dollar can break now only massive, unpredictable intervention, causing significant damage to speculative strategies of the players, or the growth of oil prices, which in the current situation is not very realistic. Determine any digital forecast parameters prospects of the ruble in the near future is impossible, “- said the expert. Hope Kozinova Quote.rbc.ru
Photo: Depositphotos

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