December 18, Russian President held a regular big press conference. She became the tenth to the head of state. Regulations for the event does not exist, but because there are no time limits and subject matters. Asked about the work of the Central Bank and government relations with the West and Ukraine, a new term as head of state. For three hours, 10 minutes, Vladimir Putin answered 53 questions. Bring to your attention some of the answers of the President.
The growth of GDP and the causes of the problems
Most of the annual press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin began with the state of the economy – which, in Overall, it was expected in the light of developments over the past few days.
According to the President, Russia budget surplus this year will be 0.2 percent of GDP. Growth in the Russian agro-industrial complex at the end of 2014 will be 3.3 percent. In general, growth in gross domestic product for the 11 months of this year was 0.7 percent.
The current situation in the Russian economy triggered primarily by external factors, the president. According to Vladimir Putin, the government and the Central Bank are taking adequate measures in the current economic situation. At the same time, he noted, there are questions to the timeliness of the government and Central Bank measures.
The head of state said that if the economy continues to deteriorate, some plans have to be adjusted. At the same time, according to the head of state, the Russian economy will inevitably come a plus. In the worst case, it will take two years. However, the president, the situation may start to straighten out early next year.
Vladimir Putin stressed that the volume of reserves allows the calculation to fulfill all social obligations. At the same time, the President stressed the need to diversify the Russian economy, which have a lot to do.
About the prices
The prices need to be monitored, the president of Russia. “For example, the price of gasoline, food – it is necessary to do this, and we have to work in manual mode daily, weekly, to meet with the producers, with market participants, with retail chains, with retailers and oil companies, which have to some extent monopolized market FAS should work as it should, “- said Vladimir Putin.
About the relations with the West and sanctions
Russian President Vladimir Putin, answering journalists’ questions in During the annual press conference, said that the problems in relations with the West did not occur today. New walls began to be erected not now, the Russian leader said.
According to him, the West decided that they Empire, and all other vassals who should be clamped. On the question of sanctions imposed by the US and the European Union, the President said that this board is not for the Crimea, and for Russia’s desire to survive as a nation and civilization.
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Speaking of relations with Ukraine, the president said that the most correct way – build a wall to stop and start build a common humanitarian space.
About Ukraine and the Donbass
Vladimir Putin stressed that the conflict should be resolved through political means, and as soon as possible. “Of course, we will help people”, – said the president about the situation in the Donbass. But, he continued, “should be based on the fundamental principles of international law and the right of people to decide their own destiny, we are for the restoration of a unified political space, but also to respect the rights of the people”.
According to Vladimir Putin, President of Ukraine Poroshenko wants to resolve the situation, but at the same time in Kiev many militant people. The President also stressed that the agreement violates Kiev and assigns units of the places whence should take – including Donetsk airport.
Vladimir Putin also laid to Kiev responsibility for the failure of the regular exchange of prisoners, which was to be held on wednesday. President urged to implement the plan for the exchange of “all for all”.
About Mikhail Khodorkovsky
During the annual press conference prezidetu Russia was asked about the former head Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky. According to the President, to engage in politics – right Khodorkovsky. The President stressed that the pardon former oligarch was guided by humanitarian concerns.
About the “fifth column” and “palace coup”
During the press conference, journalists Of course, they could not avoid the theme of the relationship between authorities and opposition. Head of state, in particular, was asked about them cited the term “fifth column”.
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“The boundaries between the opposition and the” fifth column “inside it, it is difficult to see outside. What is it? oppositionist, even very hard, in the end to end fighting for the interests of their country, and the” fifth column “- so, those people who perform what is dictated by the interests of other states, and they are used as a tool to achieve political goals alien to us, “- said Putin.
The president was also asked about the possibility of a” palace coup “. “We have no palaces, so there will be no coup,” – said the president of Russia on this.
About mortgage rates
Asked about the possible increase in mortgage rates, the Russian president expressed hope that the banks will not rush this.
“Of course, with 17 percent of the key rate of the Central Bank to develop a mortgage – is a tricky business, if at all possible. I must say that for the current year and the previous mortgage was developed at a faster pace than we expected,” – said the president .
He said that the rate mortgages stood at 10.09 per cent, but its people to actively take. “Moreover, after the key rate of the Central Bank since the beginning of the year increased to 5.5 percent, the amount of the mortgage is not reduced, and the banks business, oddly enough, did not raise rates, respectively,” – said Vladimir Putin.
According to the President of the Central Bank key rate was raised to save the macroeconomic situation in the country and it was the right decision. Vladimir Putin also said that if necessary, the government and the Central Bank will have to take measures to support the mortgage market.
About the officials and colleagues
Russian President Vladimir Putin during a press conference, said that in his entourage no officials, and with colleagues, he does not approach closer and is not going to.
“With regard to officials from my inner circle … In my immediate environment and no officials hopefully never will. They are all colleagues, but I have no one to come together and do not intend to approach. There is a certain public functions, which are executed properly, bonding with someone on a personal level, it is practically impossible. I realized a long time ago, I realized and so I try to keep all at a certain distance, but work kindly and with full understanding of the responsibility that stands in front of people, “- said the head of state.
About the responsibility, rankings and new presidential term
Vladimir Putin said that the responsibility for what is happening in the country rests with the head of state, and from it he is not going to shy away.
“The responsibility for everything that happens in the country always lies on the head of state, how do I proceed in order of size down, “- said the president at the annual press conference.
” From this responsibility I have never shied away and not going to shy away, “- said the state Putin.Glava also said he did not think about the rankings.
“I do not get bored, so that you on this account do not worry. You know, many times I have spoken on this subject. It’s not the frozen stuff, and we have to treat this in a serious way. What it means to be treated in a serious way in my mind? The thing to do, work to work and not think about how to save that – once the office phone or rating, “- said Putin during his annual press conference, when asked about his unconditional superiority among Russian politicians and, therefore, alone in the political field.
According to him, as soon as you start to think about saving some ratings, in the same moment they start to fall. “Because instead of concrete work begins only profanation,” – said the president.
Asked about the presidential election, Putin said that the decision will depend on the overall results of the country.
Anton Kulikov

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