The ruble on the Moscow Stock Exchange started to strengthen against the dollar and the euro. As of 14:50 Moscow time the euro dropped to 2.25 rubles, compared with yesterday’s closing level to the level of 82.9 rubles, and the dollar fell by 1 ruble – to 66.5 rubles.
It clarifies TASS, at the opening of today’s trading on the Moscow stock exchange dollar reached a level of 72.7 rubles, euro – 92.19 rubles, and the currency basket – 81.36 rubles.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev believes what is happening now in the currency market – “game on emotions,” but there is necessary to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible. On this, he said at a meeting with members of the Cabinet, representatives of the Central Bank and the largest domestic exporting companies.
“This is not the first time, of course, when we are faced with sharp fluctuations in currencies, we have the experience of anti-crisis solutions” – Medvedev said. He recalled that on Tuesday held a meeting on the financial and economic situation.
“We are planning to take a number of binding decisions, including an increase in the foreign exchange bank refinancing, ensuring the balance of demand and supply of foreign currency by increasing the provision of foreign currency liquidity in case of need – informed the prime minister said. – However, everyone recognizes that the ruble is undervalued today. His course pulled away from fundamentals, does not reflect the state of the economy “.
Medvedev admitted:” Of course, we are faced with problems and challenges that are linked to two main factors, which are independent of our country: it is a prolonged drop in oil prices and a number of other commodities and the negative impact of foreign policy, I mean the sanctions. The former financial markets for our banks and companies practically closed . Of course, the ruble it can not respond “.
In view of the prime minister,” the numbers that we see in the exchange offices over the past few days, do not correspond to objective picture and unreasonably gone beyond comfort for economy and for people range “.
” Emotions here also did their job – says Medvedev. – In our common interest as soon as possible to restore order in the foreign exchange market. No one – neither our citizens, neither the Bank nor the real sector – does not need such instability. But, at the same time, there is no point in introducing an extremely strict regulation of this sector, which has been in a certain period. It is useful to what does not. We presume that our future actions should be based on market mechanisms “.
The prime confident:” The Central Bank together with the government to develop a package of measures to stabilize the situation. Will act in concert here. What we see today is mainly a game of emotions. It is clear that some companies need to make payments on foreign debt, some companies – to purchase equipment abroad. In such circumstances, concerns about buying currency understandable. But, at the same time, we must proceed from the fact that the purchase of foreign currency in the current situation – it is the purchase at a lower rate “.
The day before, oil prices fell below $ 60 a barrel, and it does not give confidence the national currency. The dollar and the euro again reached historical highs. Euro exceeded the level of 100 rubles. The dollar was worth more than 80 rubles. Now both exchange rates adjusted downwards. The big players are now trying to make as clear as possible in the foreign exchange market. So, ” Rosneft “on the eve released a statement on the use of bond issues. The funds raised are directed exclusively on Russian projects are stored on ruble deposits. And no one ruble, attracted under the program of bond issues will not be used for the purchase of foreign currency.

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