The dollar at auction on the Moscow Stock Exchange on Monday reached 63.25 rubles., Euro – 78.66 rubles. (As of 18:50).
The value of the Russian currency in the pair ruble-dollar exchange fell by 8.71% relative to the value of the ruble at the close of the previous trading session, a pair of ruble-euro – at 8.58 % compared with the exchange value of the ruble at the close of trading on Friday.
The new ruble collapse occurred against the backdrop of the Central Bank released the forecast for 2015.
In particular, the Bank of Russia is considered a stress scenario for Russia economy in which it is assumed that the price of oil will be at around $ 60 a barrel during 2015-2017.
«Fiscal policy implemented within the framework of fiscal rules, will be somewhat mitigate the negative impact of a sharp the fall in oil prices – said in a forecast controller. – Possibility of fiscal stimulus in a sharp decline in government revenues and limited availability of sources of financing the deficit will be provided with the accumulated funds of sovereign funds ».
However, in view of conservation actions on the economy of other negative factors are expected to decline in economic growth, which, estimated could reach 4.5-4.8% in 2015 and about 1.0% in 2016, according to the forecast.
In the course of today’s trading on the ICE Futures Exchange, Brent futures price from delivery in January 2015 rose to $ 61.85 per barrel., which is about 1.28% higher than yesterday’s closing.

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