Google announced the closure of its Google News service in Spain. The reason for this was the adoption of the Spanish authorities a new law that requires publishers to pay tax for quoting even the slightest fragment of publication.
American corporation Google said on December 10 that in the near during its Google News service out its work in Spain in connection with the new legislation.
Last Friday, December 5, the Spanish government passed a law requiring services like Google News, pay tax for quoting excerpts from media materials. “This new law requires taxing services such as Google News, for showing even the smallest fragment of the Spanish publications. Given that Google News does not in itself generates profit (we do not show ads on the site), the new approach is simply impractical for us, “- wrote in a blog Google News head Richard Gingras.
In this regard, December 16 service stops working in Spain. The law assumes that the new tax will be levied for the benefit of the Association of Spanish dailies, which, in essence, are the initiators of this decision. The authorities now have the right to fine those services that will be spread links to content that contains materials Spanish media, amounting to € 600 thousand.
On the one hand, now own the copyright violated nobody will and materials will be available only on the sites of newspapers. On the other – all this will inevitably lead to a drop in the number of sites to display publications. Thus, according to Richard Gingras, every month publishers receive additional 10 billion views through Google News, and paid advertising service Adsense publishers last year € 9 billion, up € 2 billion more than the year before.
similar to the Spanish law was passed earlier in Germany, and also at the insistence of the local media. So, wanting to capitalize on this law, the consortium VG Media, which brings together about 200 publishers, including the country’s largest Axel Springer, made a statement in October that Google should stop display their materials in the search results in Google News. Google complied and removed all German newspapers from Google News, displaying only headlines. However, after it became clear that people on the website edition has not increased, but on the contrary, their number severely reduced, the same Axel Springer admitted his mistake. Publisher announced a sharp drop in traffic to his site in the two weeks that have passed since the entry into force of the ban. Thus, the amount of traffic that using search engine Google, fell by 40%, and through Google News – 80%.
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