Monday, January 9, 2017

Peskov commented on the report on cyber attacks – News Economy

Print Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov sure to replace supporters of the witch-hunt in the US will come to a more sober professionals who do not focus on the emotional seizures, reports “Interfax”.

the Kremlin declare serious fatigue accusations by Washington of involvement in Russia to hacker attacks on the United States. “We have serious fatigue from these accusations,” – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday.

Peskov said that the declassified part of the report about the hacker attacks on US does not contain evidence of involvement in Russia and trained at the Amateur level.

“From our point of view, still sound totally unsubstantiated allegations on a fairly Amateur level, an emotional level, which is unlikely, probably, be applicable to the highly professional work of really superior intelligence,” – said Dmitry Peskov.

He noted that the Kremlin still does not know what real data operate on the creators of this report.

“We understand that our American colleagues at different stages of its history has passed such stages “witch hunt”. We remember periods of history. We know that later they are replaced by a more sober experts, more sober approaches is still a dialogue, not an emotional seizures”, – said Peskov.

Answering the question, did Vladimir Putin declassified report, the press Secretary of the head of state said: “It was available, I can’t say how details (Putin studied it). But this report is nothing there that would be worth to get read.”

on Friday, January 6, CIA and FBI declassified the report, which stated that “Moscow clearly gave preference to Trump in struggle for a post of the President of the United States”. Intelligence agencies claim that Russia deliberately “maligned Hillary Clinton.”


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