Monday, January 9, 2017

Before the oath is impossible: for the meeting with Putin, trump pass “candidate minimum” – BAFS “the Economy today”

Press Secretary of the Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the possibility of a bilateral meeting between Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the US billionaire Donald trump.

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
a spokesman for the Russian President Dmitry Peskov

Until the beginning of February the meeting of Putin and trump is not possible

According to Peskov, this event will not happen before the moment that trump will become a full-fledged current President of the United States, not to mention the fact that now such a meeting is very difficult to organize technically.

Peskov said that after the billionaire will pass through the inauguration ceremony for U.S. President, the plan will be typeset his political activities, where can be included a bilateral meeting with the Russian leader.

it is Noteworthy that Peskov also said that Moscow has no any preferences for the format of future meeting between Putin and trump, but in any case, this is a subject for very careful and accurate preparation of diplomatic apparatuses of Russia and the United States.

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
trump wanted to meet with Putin at the UN General Assembly

Talking about the meeting of Putin and trump go long

Note, talking about the bilateral meeting between Putin and trump went long before the billionaire in November last year sensationally won the American elections.

for Example, there was talk that such a meeting could take place during Putin’s visit for 70 years, the UN General Assembly in new York, but then the Russian side refused to take such a step, it is reasonable assuming that such an event would be interpreted by Washington as a direct Moscow’s intervention in American internal Affairs.

This subject and no such meetings now a thorough pedaliruetsya, and it is clear that the outgoing administration of U.S. President Barack Obama tries to create the impression that victory trump was the result of hostile activities of Moscow.

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
Professor of MSU, doctor of political Sciences Andrey manoylo

Before the inauguration of the trump sense in such a meeting

Professor of Moscow state University, doctor of political science Andrey manoylo in conversation with BAFS “the Economy today” noted that this story has two main points.

“first Trump before the inauguration there is no practical sense to fly to Russia as the elected President of the United States does not have the power required for serious negotiations at such a high level,” says manoylo.

According to manoylo, these powers trump will get only after the elected President of the United States to finally enter into the position of the American leader.

“Before that, the elected President of the United States in practice has the status of a presidential candidate who is waiting for a shift change in the White house. So Trump if his plans do have a trip to Russia and meeting with President Putin, with this event you need to wait,” concludes manoylo.

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
trump has long talked about his desire
to hold talks with Putin

the fact is, according to manoylo, Trump should do it only after his inauguration, as he has in the current situation, much less political status and it is in qualitative terms – a very big difference.

“secondly, due to the fact that trump before his inauguration, will not have all the authority of the US President, the Russian side also does not make sense to engage with it in any political negotiations”, – sums up manoylo.

Trump need to get the power from Obama

According to manoylo, also all these things is the important fact that trump now has no time for such vneshnepoliticheskie of the meeting, because he needs to take US President, and Obama is now doing everything to transfer them to future owner of the White house in a worse form.

“Obama is now trying so much to ruin American President to trump at least six months were imposed in the order and not tried to take any actions in foreign policy” – says manoylo.

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
Obama is trying, as much as possible
to worsen the situation trump

manoylo notices that now the problem is all the time trump therefore, today a meeting between him and Putin is a hot topic for journalists.

“Another issue is that when a man like Sands makes a statement that trump will not arrive to Moscow, he has in mind that the negotiations about the meeting between the leaders of Russia and the United States are already underway. However, not the fact that these negotiations will be held in Moscow, although trump this will be a repeat of the epochal gesture Ronald Reagan” – concludes manoylo.

Here manoylo remember the famous visit of President Reagan to Moscow and his walk with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev of Moscow and the red square.

Meeting trump and Putin very soon will be

Before the first of the oath – impossible: Putin and trump will hold a meeting after January
trump may repeat the legendary
step Ronald Reagan

“So, this meeting may take place in Moscow and not in Moscow, but that it will be absolutely. Just there is a well-known technique of psychological impact, which is that when an official denies the possibility of any meeting or other such events, it is, in fact, looking for such negotiations”, – sums up manoylo.

manoylo said that it is not by chance recently flew to Moscow political Advisor trump Carter page, and Andrey even personally seen it in the Arabic version of the channel Russia Today.

“it is Obvious that Paige was here to discuss the details of the meeting between trump and Putin, it’s just not announced publicly and officially stated that he came to meet with Russian business elite. So, Peskov statement in this complicated political context is a well thought out course information,” says manoylo.

Dmitry Sikorsky


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