Sunday, January 8, 2017

09:02 the New head of the MAYOR promised growth of the Russian economy and relief for business

Annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. Moscow, Oreshkin Dmitriy

Maxim Oreshkin said on the economic growth of the countryPhoto by Vladimir Andreev © URA.Ru

the New head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin predicts that GDP growth in 2017 will exceed 2%. However, the pace of the economy could hinder the demographic constraints and too large tax burden on legitimate business.

According to Oreshkin, is now a key issue for the MAYOR is preparing a plan to accelerate growth. “Economy already growing, in the fourth quarter increased GDP, and industrial production, and in the second half of 2017 GDP will grow 2% year-on-year and, perhaps even more,” — said the new head of the Ministry of economic development, in an interview to “Kommersant”.

Economic policy, according to Oreshkin, should be based on the improvement potential, sustainable long-term economic growth. “After the revival and acceleration of next year, we will quickly reach structural limitations that have our economy”, — said the Minister.

One of these constraints — human capital. According to the head of the MAYOR, requires a set of solutions aimed at increasing the number of economically active population, reducing structural unemployment and raising productivity.

he Also points to the fact that businesses important to economic certainty. “When we say that we have a tax burden on business is low, comparing revenues with GDP, you forget that given the large informal sector, the burden on business and uneven in the legal sector is high. This is especially true of taxes on the wage Fund paid by the enterprises: in any competition with us economy of such payments is not”, — says Oreshkin. He said that this situation needs to change. This is a discussion of ideas with the “Business Russia” and “OPORA Russia”.


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