Tuesday, June 28, 2016

New bill: the Russians will choose the city that will appear on the banknotes – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, June 28 – RIA Novosti / Prime The head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina on Tuesday announced the launch of the all-Russian company for choosing the symbols on the new banknotes in denomination of 200 and 2000 rubles -. for the first time in the history of Russians will vote for the design these banknotes, which will be in circulation at the end of 2017.

s national referendum held on the site “Your-Rossiya.rf” and its results fail in the autumn. “Right now you can become a member of the popular vote Suggest his version of characters to design new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles and become a co-author of the financial history of the country.” – Says the message on the site.

Traditionally, the banknotes in Russia are views of cities and territories, as well as their symbolic objects, Nabiullina said, and urged all Russian citizens to take part in the selection of the symbol. She noted, too, that will take part in the popular vote.


According to Nabiullina, the vote will take place in three stages. The first will run from 28 June to 28 July 2016, at this stage, every Russian can offer a symbol for the new banknotes. The proposed character fall into the list of candidates if the dials 5000 votes. 29 July full list of characters that have overcome this threshold will be published.

The second stage will take place from 5 to 30 August. Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) will hold a nationwide poll, which resulted in the 10 most popular cities or areas, and 20 relating to the characters it will be identified. This will equalize the chances of large and small cities and their characters get to the new banknotes, Nabiullina added.

Last, third stage will be held in September. Of the 10 leading cities or territories will choose two winners and the four symbols that correspond to them (two for each city or territory).

Results on television

The voting results will be announced on October 7, in a live TV channel ” Russia 1″. During air time citizens will be able to choose the winner and via sms.

“As a result of all the votes cast through the site, in the form of questionnaires, sms, during the TV broadcast will be summarized thus, the TV channel.” Russia 1 “two winners will be determined”, – explained the head of the Central Bank


Nabiullina added that in addition to the cities or territories characters can become monuments of outstanding people, engineering structures, the unique natural ensembles

However, the vote will not be the city, the image of which is already on the current banknotes -. Moscow, St. Petersburg , Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Khabarovsk and Veliky Novgorod.

According to the site, the sculpture “The Motherland Calls!”, A symbol of Volgograd, is the only proposal from citizens, which in the future can take part in the competition.

Best Protection

the new banknotes in denomination of 200 and 2000 rubles will be protected from fraud and the regulator will teach the Russians to distinguish the banknotes from counterfeits, assured the head of the Central Bank.

“This will be the most advanced, most innovative mechanisms. we now protection mechanisms are very modern, and .. our banknotes are protected up to the mark according to international standards we will be at the time of issuance of these banknotes to use more new technologies, but what are these technologies, we will not talk to insure against counterfeiters, “- said the head of the Central Bank.

All the information on how to distinguish a fake from the new notes, the regulator will post on its website. In addition, prior to the issuance of new notes of the Central Bank will hold a special information campaign, which tells about the security features and how they identify, concluded Nabiullina.

Expert Opinion

Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank, ex -zamministra Finance Vyugin believes that the new notes will be popular among Russians. “There was a certain gap in the denomination of banknotes, granularity is important of course, the new notes will be in demand.” – Said the Vjugin. For example, in Europe, where there are outstanding bill of 200 euros.

However, in his view, the picture on the banknotes must not be limited to Russian cities. “I would prefer the image of great men, such as musicians, composers of world renown,” – shared his opinion Vjugin

Russian nominal system of banknotes, multiple 5 and 10, was laid almost 20 years ago -. In 1997 , in conditions of high inflation. Now, however, the Central Bank believe that the slowdown in inflation allows to produce an intermediate denomination bills.


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