Sunday, August 2, 2015

Kamchatka salmon season hits record of past years – REGNUM


Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, August 3, 2015, 06:01 – REGNUM

Performance Home – salmon season in Kamchatka can not please the fishermen of the region – they are better than the previous years. The mass catch salmon, which began June 1 will be completed in September, and the fishermen have caught 130 thousand. Tonnes of the permitted 180 thousand. Tonnes, told the IA REGNUM Acting deputy chairman of the regional government Vladimir Galitsin .

According to him, n When comparing the indicators taken to focus on the main type of production – pink salmon, which has a two-year age and, accordingly, a two-year cyclical approaches. “According to our data, this year yield figures now make up 83 700 tonnes. In the same period in 2013 this figure was 36 thousand tons. That is more than twice less. Now there is a significant excess of the results of the previous two years, “- a spokesman said.

So, in the area continue to develop Tigilskiy salmon, caught more than 2 thousand. Tonnes. Petropavlovsk-Komandor subarea sockeye caught about 9.4 thousand. Tons, 763 tons mastered chinook, chum salmon caught 2.5 thousand. Tonnes. In Karaginskaya subzone July 30, caught about 2.2 thousand. Tonnes of sockeye, chinook 41 tons, 80 thous. Tons of pink salmon, 8.5 thousand. Tons of chum salmon. In the south western Kamchatka received significant catches Ozernovsky sockeye salmon – about 8 thousand. Tonnes.

Petropavlovsk-Komandor subarea continued late sockeye salmon fishery. Catches of chinook in Ust-Kamchatsky metro area is 2 times higher than in 2013.

In Karaginskaya subarea is currently based on fishing and pink salmon are fairly evenly dispersed, the greatest catches fall on average and the southern part of the subzone, in the northern part of the intensity of the development of approaches and markedly inferior. In recent days there has been some reduction in fishing intensity associated including the passage of a powerful southern cyclone. In the coming days the weather should be normalized, high catches is preserved in the southern part of the Gulf Karaginskiy.

As the correspondent IA REGNUM in KamchatNIRO, salmon in a river suitable active space Rivers, in a number of rivers in the mass moved upstream on the 2-4 km from the mouth. Small river in the central part of the coast is completely filled with manufacturers. Fishing in Karaginskaya subarea is carried out mainly at sea stationary nets, fishing in rivers exists in small amounts, so fears that a pass to the river is not sufficient for successful reproduction, at the moment there.

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