Monday, July 6, 2015

Ukraine has established a reserve fund of $ 1 billion for the purchase of gas – RBC

The document, which results in UNIAN news agency, indicated that the funds from the reserve energofonda will be used to purchase gas services for connection and access to the gas networks, payment for gas transportation and storage. The new structure will be formed according to the contracts with external creditors, under the state guarantees.

Follow the targeted use of the new Government commissioned energofonda Minenergouglya Ukraine. The same agency should monitor the financial condition of “Naftogaz of Ukraine».

In March, the Verkhovna Rada approved the changes to the state budget, giving the government an opportunity to attract credit funds under the state guarantees in the amount of 21 billion UAH.

Earlier, “Naftogaz” I held talks with European partners to grant Ukraine a loan of $ 1.5 billion for the purchase of natural gas for the next heating season. The company acknowledged that its forces will not be able to finance the injection of gas and uninterrupted transit of fuel in the EU.

In May, business development director of “Naftogaz” Yuri Vitrenko agreed that negotiations with EBRD, IFC, and European traders are difficult because of the “lack of political will in the EU.” Meanwhile obtaining foreign loans should resolve issues with energy supplies from Russia.

On the problems of Ukraine on this issue on Monday, said Alexei Miller, stressing that Kiev has not yet shown the necessary activities in preparation for the autumn-winter period. The head of “Gazprom” at the same time noted that the average daily volume pumped into Ukrainian underground storage facilities in early July, fell by 47% compared with the June figure.

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