Sunday, July 5, 2015

The space truck “Progress M28M” docked with the ISS – RBC

The space freighter “Progress” docked with the ISS. Everything was in automatic mode without overlays.

The truck brought to the ISS for nearly two and a half tons of cargo: oxygen, fuel, materials and equipment for scientific experiments, including the US, parcels from relatives and, of course, food – they had put on 100 kg more than the previous ship. The last months of the crew lived in conditions of economy. Last time on the ISS food imported in February, there was a whole series of further space failures. First, in April, I came down from orbit “Progress”, which was first launched on the other carrier rocket – “Soyuz-2.1a.” Now its use is suspended. And last week there was an accident with an American truck “Dragon” – the rocket Falcon 9 exploded just after the start.


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