Sunday, July 5, 2015

“The people are given the opportunity to respond to the latest ultimatum Eurogroup” – Kommersant

Interior Ministry released data 12-hour nationwide referendum in Greece, during which citizens had to decide whether they want to continue the pro-European reforms in exchange for financial assistance . According to the ministry, after the counting of the votes against 51.88% of creditors’ claims expressed by the majority of citizens – 61.24% of – 38.76%. According to media reports, the turnout was 65%. In a vote of serious violations were recorded. According to the Ministry of Finance of the country Janis Varufakisa that if citizens support the requirements of the troika of creditors promised to resign, “the people are given the opportunity to respond to the last ultimatum to Greece, the Eurogroup and partners».

Data Interior Ministry of Greece show that, with the result of 61.24% victory in a national referendum opponents are winning the triple requirements of lenders (EC, ECB, IMF), another point of view expressed 38.76% of voters. According to a national agency ANA-MPA, the turnout at the referendum in Greece, held from 7:00 at 19:00 MSK, was 65%.

Earlier it was reported results sotsprosov population. According to sociological research company GPO, which conducted a telephone survey commissioned by TV channel “Mega” to the proposals made by the creditors of 49.5 to 53.54% of citizens, – 46,5-50,5%. Metron Analysis led these studies, ordered the TV channel “Antenna”: against European reforms – 49% of the – 46%. Mark, is conducting a survey commissioned by the channel “Alpha” has estimated that spoke against 49,5-54,5% for – 45,5-50,5%. MRB, which conducted the research for the TV channel “Star”, it turned out that anti-reform 49-54% for – 46-51% of Greek citizens.

According to sociologists, placed at the disposal ” RIA Novosti “, the majority of the inhabitants of Greece in the referendum were against the claims of creditors. According to some polls, the difference between the “pros” and “cons” of 7-8%, on the other – 4%.

As reported by “Kommersant” on the eve of voting, the results of preliminary surveys contradictory and show about the same ratio wanting to answer “yes” or “no” to the question “Should the conditions be accepted the proposal put forward by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF at a meeting of the Eurogroup on June 25?”.

«Reforms for the completion of the current program” and “Preliminary analysis of the sustainability of debt” – so the parts of the document proposed by the troika of creditors. This is a list of reforms that Greece had to adopt in return for a bailout last tranche in the amount of € 7,2 billion assistance program, which expired on 30 June.

Greek Finance Minister Janis Varufakis promised to resign if approved by a majority of the citizens of pro-European reforms. Although, in his opinion, “the majority will say ‘yes’.” He called the referendum passes today “sacred moment, giving hope”, which aims to give people “the opportunity to respond to the latest ultimatum Eurogroup and partners of Greece.” “This is a sacred moment that gives us hope in Europe, the common currency and democracy can co-exist,” – said Mr. Varufakis.

«No one can ignore the hardness of the people who took its destiny into their own hands, “- he said the prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, voting. Earlier, Mr. Tsipras said that the proposal put forward by the creditors will not lead to the exit from the crisis, and in the appeal to the people in a referendum called on the citizens to say “no” to the requirements of lenders.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Greece said that the referendum passes without incident at all polling stations there are police officers. “Until now, there was no treatment of complaints or reports about problems during the voting in the referendum,” – said the agency.

Co-Chairman of the Association “Civil Control” Alexander Brod He said there is no serious violations in the referendum. “The situation in general is favorable. The high turnout. Higher than in the parliamentary elections. No serious violations have been recorded. No attempt failure of the referendum is not observed, although yesterday and in previous days, tensions persisted in the country have been clashes between police and opponents of the referendum. Who protests, conflicts, and agitation for the failure of the referendum is not observed, “- he said to” Interfax “Mr Brod. According to him, there were minor flaws in the organization of the voting, which quickly fix. “At some sites during the opening of the envelopes were missing, which is invested in newsletters and descend into the ballot boxes,” – said Alexander Brod.

European politicians about the Greek referendum

Dmitry Kozlov, Ksenia Shevchenko


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