Saturday, July 4, 2015

Scary Fitch forecasts for the Russian economy have not come true, the sovereign rating is saved – BFM.Ru

International rating agency Fitch on Friday kept the investment rating of the Russian Federation at the same level «BBB-» with a negative outlook on the results of the review

The international rating agency Fitch on Friday kept the investment rating of the Russian Federation at the same level «BBB-» with a negative outlook on the results of the review. It is reported on the agency’s website. Thus, Fitch recognized that his dire predictions about the Russian economy of the Russian Federation have not come true.

See also: Moody’s downgraded the long-term rating Greece to pre-default levels The agency stressed that Russia’s rating at «BBB-» level is a reflection of positive foreign trade balance and low external borrowing needs on the one hand and structural deficiencies (commodity dependence and risk management), high volatility of growth and geopolitical tensions – on the other.

Fitch analysts emphasize that Russia partially regained its competitiveness, but the medium-term growth prospects of the economy are the lowest among the major emerging markets.

According to experts, in in 2015 the Russian economy will shrink by 3.5%. In 2016, Fitch forecasts the growth of Russia’s GDP by 1%

Fitch decision coincided with the expectations of the Russian Ministry of Finance, which is not expected to change the rating.


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