Thursday, July 9, 2015

Moscow would consider the request in Minsk for another loan – Ekho Moskvy radio station

Belarus turned to Russia with a request to be granted $ 3 billion.

The Russian Ministry of Finance may provide financial assistance to the Federal government. This was said today the two leaders during the bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the summit of the BRICS and the SCO in Ufa. Lukashenko said his country is experiencing is not the easiest times, but hopes to overcome the difficulties. According to the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, detail the allocation requested 100 billion rubles has not been discussed, but today Anton Siluanov said that the application will be considered taking into account the implementation of the previous credit program for Minsk. In July, Belarus will receive from our country the second part of the previously approved loan of 760 million dollars, assured the head of the Ministry of Finance of our country. At the end of last month, deputy head of this department Sergei Storchak said Russia is considering the possibility of granting a new loan, which will help the republic’s leadership to pay the external debt. Analysts believe that Lukashenka needs money to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis on the eve of the presidential elections to be held in Belarus in October this year.

Minsk counts on the loan by the International Monetary Fund, but there for 3 billion dollar demand from Lukashenko program for economic reform.


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