Thursday, July 9, 2015

Media called the new rescue plan Greece copy rejected in a referendum – RBC

Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC

developed the new Greek government offers creditors are essentially a repetition of the financial recovery plan of the country, which is the country’s citizens have rejected in a referendum on July 5. It is reported by Associated Press.

«The text of proposals to Athens on Thursday evening, the government yield to the demands that had previously refused to accept it. This applies mainly to increase tax rates on the sale of certain goods and services in exchange for a three-year aid package of 53.5 billion euros, “- said in a statement.

On Friday, July 10, these proposals must undergo the procedure approval in parliament, said the agency.

As previously wrote RBC late Eurogroup has received from Greece, new proposals for a program of reform in exchange for loans. Earlier Eurogroup set conditions that the new package was handed over to the negotiators to Friday. The head of the Eurogroup Jeroen Deysselblum declined to comment and voice bids received. He said that only the study documents will decide whether they can become the basis for subsequent negotiations.

Greece’s problems will be devoted to unscheduled summit of leaders of the eurozone, which is scheduled for Sunday, July 12. Earlier, the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker said that the EC is prepared for all possible options, including a detailed action plan in case of a Greek exit from the eurozone or the European Union.

«The Commission is prepared for anything. We have a script Grexit [Greek exit from the euro zone (from the words Greece and exit)], researched in detail, “- he said. “I am categorically against Grexit, but I can not prevent it if the Greek government does not do what we expected of him” – then added Juncker.

Earlier, the media got a new draft proposals developed by the Greek Government . The newspaper “Naftemboriki” has led some details of emergency measures. In particular, it is expected to increase the income tax from 26% to 28% and raise VAT on luxury goods from 10% to 13%. From 13% to 23% should increase VAT on processed food, services, restaurants, transportation and a number of health services offered by the private sector. In addition, the rise of VAT for accommodation from 6.5% to 13%. According to the publication, in the aggregate the proposed measures must replenish the budget at € 10-12 billion.

At the end of June, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called lenders offer “blackmail” and said it will submit them to the Pan-Hellenic referendum which took place on July 5. Most of the voters voted against the proposed plan of the Eurogroup. Tsipras himself then said that European leaders will give a more realistic plan.



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