Thursday, July 9, 2015

Malaysia circulated a draft resolution on the Tribunal for the collapse of Boeing – RBC

Wreckage Boeing MH-17. Archival photos

Photo: AP

The Malaysian delegation to the United Nations on Wednesday, July 8, circulated a draft Security Council resolution an international organization to establish a tribunal on the case of the collapse of the Malaysian Boeing in the Donbass, said the publication The Malaysian Insider.

According to the publication, in the Malaysian draft resolution stated that the trial would be “an effective guarantee for independent and impartial investigation process” .

The text also says that the plane crash in the sky over Ukraine is “a threat to international peace and security” and all States should cooperate fully with the tribunal.

Malaysia believes that the UN Security Council should be “to create an international tribunal for the sole purpose of prosecuting persons responsible for crimes related to the collapse of the board Malaysia Airlines MH17 July 17, 2014».

The Boeing 777 airline Malaysia Airlines, flying from Amsterdam in Kuala Lumpur, crashed July 17, 2014 near the village of Grabovo in the Donetsk region. On board were 283 passengers and 15 crew members, all of them died. Most of those on board were Dutch nationals.

1 July the Security Council of the Netherlands said that the investigation into the crash concluded. The deputy head of Federal Air Transport Agency, Oleg Storchevoy said that after reviewing the preliminary report on the causes of the disaster agency emerged from the experts with more questions than answers.

The first initiative to establish the international tribunal to investigate the causes of the disaster and the prosecution involved in plane crash made by the Dutch authorities. Malaysia supported this initiative, the authorities have stated that they intend to make an appropriate resolution in the UN Security Council.

The Russian Foreign Ministry on the idea of ​​creating an international tribunal to investigate the crash of Boeing called “premature and illogical.” “We are not at all happy with the idea in principle,” – said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov.


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