Thursday, July 9, 2015

It extended the mandate of the OSCE mission in the Donbass until March 21, 2016 – Kommersant

 - & Gt;


The mandate of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE in Ukraine extended until 21 March 2016. This was announced today at the briefing said the deputy head of the CMM Alexander Hug.

«Our mandate is extended until March 21 next year. We will attract more new observers, but we can not expand the geography, because we have limited access to the Ukrainian government uncontrolled territories “- leads the” RIA Novosti “words of Mr. Hug.

Earlier, on July 8, the session of the OSCE PA in Helsinki adopted a resolution that the actions of Russia are called “acts of armed aggression against Ukraine.” The resolution was adopted in the absence of Russia. The delegation refused to participate in the session after Finland denied entry to the Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin.

Details of the resolution, see the article “b”, “Russian troops entered the Helsinki Resolution ».

About the Speaker of the State Duma to refuse entry to read the material” b “,” Speaker of the State Duma was not allowed to Finland ».



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